fights on day one?

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{Day 1}

Peters POV:

Brooke walked away and I felt my felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Are you blushing?" Luke asked walking up to me.

"I-I uhh... no." I said shaking my head.

"You ok Pan?" he put his hand on my shoulder and look straight into my eyes.

"Yeah, just need some breakfast I guess." I shrugged and went toward the kitchen.

I then prepared some eggs and bacon for everyone. I heard footsteps advancing toward the kitchen.

"Hey Peter whatcha cooking?" a sweet innocent voice asked looking over my shoulder.

"Eggs and bacon." I replied turning around to see Brooke looking over my shoulder.

"Should I get some fruit?" she asked.


Honestly fruit sounded great right now. Brooke grabbed some of the fruit in the fridge and began to cut them up. She put all the cut fruit into a gigantic bowl.

"Now that's a lot of fruit." I chuckled as I flipped a few pieces of bacon.

"Yeah." she chuckled.

She placed the fruit on the gigantic island in the middle of the kitchen. It was great timing because I finished making the eggs and bacon. I put the eggs and bacon on gigantic plates and placed them next to the fruit. Then I noticed no one was around. I assume she noticed also.

"Should I go get the boys?" she asked.

"No, no, I'll get them. You eat." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"No, you should eat. You did more work than I did to prepare for this." she said and walked away to go get the boys.

Daniels POV:

I was watching Pan and Brooke from behind the stairs. What is going on with Pan? He doesn't like affection. So why has he been so nice to Brooke? He can't possibly be falling for her. Why would he? He's Peter Pan, and he'd never let any girl make him weak.

Peters POV:

Brooke walked into the treehouse and the boys followed behind her. They scrambled toward the food and found seats. Brooke walked over and sat down next to me. I watched as she began to eat.

"Hey Brooke." I smiled.

"Hi Peter."

"So how is it?"

"The fruit is amazing, thanks for asking." she said then a grin appeared on her beautiful face. She paused as I looked at her. "And the eggs and bacon are good too." she

"Glad you like it." I smiled.

After we finished we went down to camp.

Brooke's POV:

Peter went off to do God knows what so I wondered around camp. I saw a bunch of really nice swords. There was one that caught my eye though. It had a black hilt with engraved silver lines and a silver blade. There were curvy lines engraved into the blade surrounding... my name. I picked up the sword and observed its detail. Why does Peter have a sword with my name on it?

"Well I was going to train you on how to use a sword." I heard a British voice behind me.

I quickly spun around and saw Peter.

"Are you reading my mind again?" I asked.

"No," he chuckled. "You just said it out loud."

"I did?"

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