henry 'saves magic'

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{Day 1}

Peter's POV:

I watched as they walked off. Damn that girl. I leaned against a tree and stared off into the fire.


I turned and saw it was Henry.

"Oh Henry, what is it?" I asked.

"So with this whole heart of the truest believer stuff, when do I save magic?"

Right I forgot about that. I've been so focused on Brooke that I forgot I'm dying. Huh, who would of thought.

"Tonight, tonight you shall save magic."

"Alright." he said and walked off.

I've got to make preparations for tonight. I've got to plan out everything. How to keep Brooke out of it, what happens if the savior comes. Damn.

*around 10 pm*

I was trying to find Henry when I bumped into Brooke.

"Oh sorry Brooke. Hey, have you seen Henry?"

"Yeah he's in the treehouse."

"Thank you." I began to walk away.

"Is something wrong? You seem like you're in a rush."

"It's just I have a lot to do." I said and continued walking.

"And that is..?"

"None of your concern."

"You have to have Henry's heart right? In order for you to live?"

Damn it. Who could of told her?

"No, who told you that?"

"Henry's family."

"Well that's not true. He has to-"

"Hey Pan. So when are we going?" Henry asked from behind me.

I turned to him and smiled.

"Now. Goodbye Brooke. We'll see you later." I said and Henry and I walked off.

"Wait. Peter!" Two lost boys held her back. "Peter! PETER!!"

We continued walking toward the shore so we could sail to skull rock.

"So what will happen when I save magic? What will I have to do?"

"Well, you need to give up your heart. But you'll have to stay on the island forever." I said looking forward. "Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"

"I think so."

Brooke's POV:

"Wait." Jack and Michael grabbed on to my arms. "Peter! Peter! PETER!!"

They began to drag me off.

"Peter!!!" I yelled trying to escape their grasps.

"Brooke, calm down. Henry is going to save magic." Jack said as he dragged me to another part of the camp.

"No, he's going to kill him! Let me go!" I yelled.

They sat me down and tied me to a tree.

"I'm sorry Brooke." Michael said.

"No please, let me go!! I have to save Henry!" tears poured down my face.

I looked across and saw Baelfire was tied up across from me.



"We have to get out! He's going to kill Henry!"

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