picnics and training

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Brooke's POV:

"Both?" Henry raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." I said awkwardly.

"Well what happened?" Henry sat down and leaned forward a little. He seemed very intrigued.

"Pan just wanted me to sleep with him in his bedroom last night. I honestly have no idea why. One minute he's trying to kill me and the next he wants to cuddle. I don't get it."

"Hmm... That's strange. And your dream?"

"Well I have this dream quite often but not everyday. We're in a dark room. There was a chair in the center. I was talking to someone in a black cloak."

"About what?"

"Well the last few times it's been about Pan."

"Pan? Why would they want to talk to you about Pan?"

"They think Pan and I love each other. They think that 'love' can make Pan good again. They think that the darkness in his heart will go away."

Henry was speechless. He looked at me.

"But to be quite honest I don't think Pan loves me. And nothing can make his heart light again." I said shrugging.

"So... do you love Pan?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know. It's hard to say. You know how he is, half demon half angel. How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. But you'll figure it out. I know you can." he said with a smile and walked away.

Figure it out... Like that person said in my dream. I got a lot of crap to figure out.

'You can figure it out. I know you can.'

I looked into the fire. I watched the flames grow then shrink. I listened to the crackle of the wood. I smelled the smokiness you'd smell at a bonfire.

"Brooke." Pan said from behind me.

I continued to look at the fire.


"Get up, we're going to train."

I stood up and looked at him.

"Alright. Where are the other boys?" I asked.

"They have other things to do. This will be just you and me." he said calmly as his eyes scanned me.

Then he brought his attention back to my face. I saw desire in his eyes. He bit his lip only a little.

"Alright." I said trying to remain calm.

He had a bow and arrows with him. We began walking out into the forest. I was unfamiliar with the area. Things were sort of different here.

"So is this like a date?" I asked casually.

"A what?" He asked with confusion.

"You know.. a date." I shrugged my shoulders.

"What's a... date?"

Of all people I thought he'd know what a date is.

"Well... a date is basically when two people go out somewhere alone and hangout. They just do casual or romantic stuff like dinner or maybe a walk. And if they had fun and stuff they go out on another date."

"Oh, so is this what people would do on a date?" He asked curiously and made a picnic appear in front of us.

There was champagne, some sandwiches, and you guessed it, chocolate covered strawberries. I loved chocolate covered strawberries.

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