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{Day 3}

Brooke's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I noticed I was staring at Peters gorgeous body. I took a deep breath and smelled that familiar scent of forest.

"Ahh. You're awake." I heard Peter say in a raspy morning voice.

"Yes I am." I sighed taking another deep breath wanting to smell the scent of forest again. "So what are we doing today?"

"Well we were going to go train for a little." he said letting go of me.

"Alright. And umm Peter?" I sat up and so did he.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I uhh wanted to tell you..." I paused and looked up at him biting my lip.

"Tell me... what?" he said slightly seductively.

"I uhh wanted to thank you, for what you did last night." I said shrugging a little.

"Oh you're welcome." he smiled slightly then started to lean in.

"Woah, woah. I didn't say I wanted that kiss yet." I said and pushed him away playfully.

"Come on, just a good morning kiss." he chuckled in raspy voice making a kissy face.

"Well you need to brush your teeth before you're kissing me." I chuckled standing up and walked toward the bathroom

He grabbed my hand and twirled me back toward him.

"Then I get that kiss?" he asked.

"We'll see." I said shooting a smirk.

He let go of my hand and let me go to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I was walking downstairs when I noticed it was silent. I guess they're down in camp. As I reached the bottom of the stairs someone grabbed me from behind. I elbowed them on the side and they let go letting out a groan. I turned to see Peter holding his side.

"Oh god Peter! I'm sorry I didn't know it was you!" I said walking over to him.

"It's fine. At least I know that training is helping you out." he chuckled standing up. "But now I really think you owe me a kiss for that."

"Well you did grab me and I wasn't expecting it." I shrugged.

"I was trying to be romantic." he pouted while giving me a hug.

"Well you failed epically." I said hugging him back.

Hugs were great. I felt so cuddly and safe. Especially in Peters arms. Hugs were still new to me since everyone hated me for practically my entire life.

"Well I'm not really the most romantic." he said as we rocked back and forth.

"Nope. But you know what would be amazing?"


"If you could get me a bowl of cereal." I said looking up at him with an innocent smile.

"Would that?" he asked with a smile.


"Fine. But then we have to go to training." he said letting go of me.

"Alright." I said sitting in a chair near the island.

He snapped his fingers and a bowl of cereal appeared in front of me. I ate and we went down to camp. Some of the boys were waiting so we could go.

"Felix, where's everyone else?" Peter asked as we walked up to the crowd.

"I don't know. They should be here." he shrugged.

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