almost kidnapped

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{Day 5}

Brooke's POV:

Peter and I got back to camp. I really wanted to take a shower. I felt kinda disgusting from the lake.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Can I join you?" he asked with a smirk as he raised his eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

"Hmm let me think about that... uhh no." I said raising my eyebrows. "And please stop trying to seduce me with your eyebrows."

"Is it working?" he asked as he continued to wiggle his eyebrows.

"Maybe..." I said then ran up to my bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. I walked away from the door and took off my swimsuit. I hopped in the shower and washed up. When I finished I wrapped a towel around me and walked out to pick my clothing. I picked a tight green v-neck and brown jeans with combat boots. My hair looked good so I kept it down, then I put a little red lipstick on. Once I was satisfied I went downstairs. Some of the lost boys were chilling on the couch or eating in the kitchen. I was a little hungry so I grabbed an apple. I went down to camp. It was close to sunset. I must take really long showers. But I saw the boys were doing what they normally do so I decided to go on a walk. I exited the camp and walked around until I came up to the beach. The sky was a beautiful reddish orange. The clouds were dark purplish bluish color. Then I heard a distant sound.

"Brooke! Brooke!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Hook.

"Hook?" I yelled.

He got closer and he smiled as he saw it was me.


"Hook, what are you doing here? I thought you guys went to Storybrooke."

"That was 1 year ago."

"1 year ago??"

"Yeah. But Henry misses you. He wants you to come to Storybrooke. Your deal with Pan is over, right? And you aren't in love with him, right?"

"The deal is still going on... we're only 5 days into it. And I never told you about the deal..."

"Emma told me."


"But now I guess I have no choice."

"No choice? What do you mean?"

"You're coming home." he said and put a sack over my head, tied my hands quickly, then threw me over his shoulder.

"PETER!!!! HELP ME!!!! AHHH!!" I yelled hoping someone heard.

"Don't you want to see Henry again? Because he certainly want to see you.

"Not like this!! LET GO OF ME!!"

"Never! That boy isn't the same!"

"Get your hands off of her Hook!" I heard Peter say in a very pissed tone.

Hook turned toward him.

"Why, Peter Pan. It's nice seeing you but I gotta go." He said and continued with me down the beach.

"I said get off of her!" he yelled and he grabbed Hook.

I fell to the ground. I then tried to untie the ropes but failed miserably. I tried to shake the sack off my head and failed at that too.

"Henry misses her!" Hook yelled.

"Well she's here with me!" Peter yelled

"She doesn't belong here! She belongs back in Storybrooke!" Hook yelled.

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