just one night

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Peters POV:

All the boys went back to camp. They dragged Brooke back. I could her distant screams. I felt kind of bad but she has to pay the price for trying to escape. Again.

"Alright Carson. You need to stay away from Brooke."

"W-what?" He asked.

"Stay away from Brooke." I glared daggers into him. "Or else she will be punished. Worse then she ever has."

"B-but that's not-"

"No buts. I'm going to let you go. But stay away from Brooke." I untied the ropes.

I still felt anger so I punched him in the face. He stood there and held on to his cheek. He didn't scream in pain, but I could tell he was in pain. He glared at me and spit blood out on to the ground. We walked back to camp and Brooke ran up to Carson.

Carson's POV:

Brooke ran into my arms crying.

"Carson are you ok?" She asked hugging me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I looked around and saw Pan glaring at me. "I gotta go."

I walked away up to my room. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. This is going to be hard.

Brooke's POV:

Carson walked away. I was kinda sad.. What did Pan do to him? I walked over to the fire and sat down. I looked around and saw Pan staring at me. He smirked and walked over.

"Hello, love." He said standing to my right.

I ignored him by staring into the fire.

"So your punishment continues. You can't be near Carson."

"What?!" I yelled glaring at him.

"I knew that'd get your attention." he had a smirk plastered onto his face.

"I can't be near Carson???" I stood up angrily and looked up at him.

"Yes, you two are all..." he paused and made a disgusted face. "affectionate."

"Affectionate? So you don't like affection?"

"No. I don't tolerate it."


He stared off into the distance. I know that look, not just off of him but most people.

"Did you love somebody once?"

He continued to stare off. That told me he did love someone.

"What was her name?"

"It... It was Wendy."

"Wendy Darling?"

"Yeah... how'd you know?"

"I uhh... guessed..."

"Well I don't want to talk about Wendy..."

"Ok. But does affection remind you of her?"

"Yes, now back to the subject. You can not speak to him or be near him."

"No talking to him and I can't be near him??"

"Just with Carson." he whispered seductively in my ear.

"Just with Carson, and only Carson?"

"Only Carson." he smirked and winked.

Chills went down my spine and butterflies were in my stomach. I looked up at him and bit my lip only a little. Wait I can't fall for him. I raised my eyebrows.

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