more pain.

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Peter's POV:

I saw 4 of the lost boys fall into my room once Brooke opened the door.

"Were you spying on us?" She giggled.

Her giggle was adorable.

"Uhhh..." one said and they all bolted off.

I normally would of been mad but Brooke was there and she made... well... happy I guess. More calm.

She chuckled and so did I. She then walked out the door. I fell on my bed and let out a sigh and smiled. I sat there for a few minutes looking at the ceiling Then I heard a knock. I got up and opened the door. It was the same lost boys who were spying on Brooke and I.

"What is it?" I asked in my normal tone.

"We wanted to know uhhh.... what happened in the fight between Felix and Brooke." Michael, one of the boys said.

"Yeah, we tried to ask Felix and he blew up on us." Jack, another boy said.

"So we were going to ask you where Brooke was and yeah.." Louis one of the other lost boys said.

"You ended up spying on us?" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah." all the boys said in unison.

Luke the final lost boy chuckled and smiled nervously shrugging his shoulders.

"Well Brooke just left and I have no idea where she was going. But I know what happened."

"What happened??" they asked perking up.

"Well you saw Brooke yell at Felix and throw the knife?"

"Yeah, what did they say?"

Then I explained to them what happened.

"Did that really happen?" Jack asked.


"I also have another question." Luke said


"Why are you in a better mood, Pan? Because normally if someone spied on you then you would be really pissed off." Luke asked.

"I don't know."

Then there was silence for about 3 seconds.

"Wait I think I know what's going on with you... Well not just you." Michael said with a devilish smirk on his face.

He got up and then walked out and all the guys followed him out saying "What? What is it?" over and over. I shrugged and got up and teleported to my thinking spot and sat down on a rock. I looked out at Neverland and admired her beauty.

Brooke's POV:

As soon as I left Pan's room I walked down to the kitchen and got lunch. Then as I was heading back up to my room when I could hear what was going on in Pan's room. I stood near my door but listened to what was happening.

"Why are you in a better mood, Pan? Because normally if someone spied on you then you would be really pissed off." someone asked.

"I don't know." he said

Then there was silence for about 3 seconds.

"Wait, I think I know what's going on with you... Well not just you." someone else said.

I heard a bunch of "What is it?" 's

Then a boy walked out of his room with a mischievous smirk on his face. I quickly walked into my room and cracked the door so I could hear them. They were crowded in the hallway.

"So what is it?" one of the boys asked.

"I think that Pan likes Brooke." the mischievous boy said.

'What? Really? How?" a different boy asked.

"Well he hasn't been this way ever since Wendy." the mischievous boy said.

"True. But what if he really is just in a better mood than normal?" an older sounding boy asked.

"Well I mean Michael is right, Pan hasn't acted all happy and stuff ever since Wendy was in Neverland." another boy asked.

"Plus she is almost exactly like him, she's strong, confident, brave, sarcastic, a little cocky, and I'm just adding in this one but she is beautiful." Michael, the mischievous boy said.

I blushed a little at his comment. I walked out to go back downstairs so I could go to the camp ground and all the boys looked at me. Their faces were like 'Oh shit did she just hear all that?' and slightly nervous.

"What's going on?" I asked as if I were clueless as to what they were just talking about.

"Uhh... nothing just talking you know." Michael said.

"Oh ok. So what are your names?"

"Well I'm Jack, that's Michael, that's Luke, and that's Louis." Jack said pointing as he introduced them.

"Oh well it was nice meeting you guys, have you seen Pan?" I asked.

"He was just in his room." Louis said pointing to Pan's room.

"Ok, thanks." I said and walked into his room but he wasn't there.

I walked back out and they were still there.

"He's not there." I said.

"Maybe he's at camp." Michael suggested.

"Or maybe his thinking spot?" Jack thought.

"What about the beach?" Louis asked.

"Why the hell would Pan be at the beach?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, maybe to take a walk?" Louis said.

"Ok, thanks." I said and walked off.

I went down to camp and he was nowhere to be found so I began to walk outside of camp. I tried to remember how to get to the place he showed me. I remember him mentioning it being his favorite spot on the island. But I was then shoved against a tree with a knife up to my neck. It was Felix.

"Oh hey, Felix come to apologize for earlier?" I asked.

"No. I came to make sure you wouldn't escape again. And to maybe get back at you for embarrassing me in front of everyone." he said putting the knife up against my cheek and making a small cut in my cheek.

"First off I'm not trying to escape and two oww!" I yelled with an angry tone glaring daggers into him.

"Sure you weren't." he said.

He let go of me then punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. He kicked me in the stomach a few times but I tripped him so he fell on the ground. I got up and wiped the blood coming from my lip and scoffed. Felix got back up and punched me in the face again. I let out a yelp and he pushed me on the ground and stood over me the way my father would. It terrified me. He had an evil grin on his face. He kicked me a bunch of times and eventually I blacked out.

Jack's POV:

We went and followed Brooke, we wanted to know where she was going and if she was going to see Pan. We then saw Felix push her up against a tree. We couldn't hear what they were saying but Felix started hitting her.

"Guys why are we standing here watching? we should go help her!" Luke exclaimed.

"We should go find help, we are weak compared to Felix." Michael said.

"Yeah." I said in agreement.

I did not want to go up against Felix he would beat us to a pulp.

"Ok, I'll try to find Pan, you go and get the other lost boys." Louis said to everyone.

Then we all ran off. we quickly got to camp. I ran up to a group of the boys.

"Guys! Felix has gone mad! He's trying to kill Brooke!" I exclaimed.

"What?! Guys come on we have to go help Brooke!" Carson yelled freaking out.

Then everyone followed us to where we found Brooke.

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