lots of love

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ok i left so fucking awkward while writing the beginning of this chapter but yeah... things happen with Brooke and Pan. Very sexual things 😁😁 You've been warned.

{Day 6}

Peters POV:

I woke up to the sound of Brooke's soft snores. It was still dark out. She was snuggled up against me. I looked down at her. She looked so peaceful and at rest. There was a slight smile on her face as she slept, I found that quite adorable. I listened to the sound of her breathing and watched over her for the past hour I'd guess. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at me and smiled as she stretched.

"Hey Peter." she said in a raspy morning voice.

"Good morning my princess." I said as she lied her head on top of my chest.

I kissed her head then stroked the top of her head, basically I was petting her.

"So what's happening today?"

"Well I have to train the boys. But not for a few hours. It's still a little early."

"Oh, can I come?"

"Of course you can." I said with a smile.

We sat up. She moved so she was sitting in front of me. She moved closer toward me until she was just inches away from my face. She closed the space by kissing me. I deepened the kiss and it quickly got more passionate. She started leaning farther forward but I wanted to be in control. So I flipped us over slowly not breaking the kiss so that I was on top.

I moved down toward her neck. A moan escapes her lips as I think I found her weak spot. I attacked that spot and left a mark, claiming my territory. I went back to her lips. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths. They explored. Her fingers combed through my hair as she deepened the kiss. Then she sat up and took off her tank top, leaving her in a black laced bra and her pajama pants. I stared at her in shock as I admired her exposed skin. I quickly smashed my lips into hers once again and pulled back.

I began leaving small kisses on her neck. Then I moved down to her breasts and kissed between them. I got down to her stomach and made a trail of kisses down to her pajama pants. I looked up and made quick eye contact with her, she nodded her head so I slowly pulled down her pants revealing black laced panties. She really knows how to turn a guy on. I came up and kissed her lips real quick. I made deep eye contact with her.

"Are you sure you want this?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yes. Yes, I want this." she said full of lust.


I kissed her and unclasped her bra in the process and threw it to the side. I went back down and grabbed her panties. I looked up once again and she was nodding once again. I slowly pulled them down and threw them to the side. I pulled down my boxers and threw them away. Her eyes widened as I threw them.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Not at all." she smiled.

Then I decided to tease her by sticking only the tip in. She moaned and bit her lip as she arched her back a little.

"Damn Peter, you're such a tease." she said looking at me.

I then put more into her. I began slowly thrusting, in and out. She let out a moan. I trusted a little faster.

"Oh Peter!"

I stopped and looked at her with concern.

"Don't stop. Keep going, right there." she whispered

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