Chapter 4 - Something About Her

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Zander's POV:

"Did she just use our words against us?" My wolf Shadow asked as he tilted his head, watching her intently. He asked... since when does he not growl?

I see Ed lean back in his chair, all his weight shifting onto the back two legs of it to see what she wrote. Shock covered his face, then he let a laugh slip out, but quickly tried to cover it with a cough and looked at me apologetically.

"Dude, she wrote her name on it! It says Alexa." He spoke to me through our mind link. "Alexa." My wolf repeated in a daze. All wolves can communicate with each other as long as they belong to the same pack through something we call a mind link. It is the best way to communicate when we're in our wolf form, or in situations surrounded by humans like this, where we don't want them to hear. We can also choose to block people out to avoid interruptions or if we just need time alone.

My eyes widened in surprise at first, then amusement filled me. How were we not offended by this?

What was even more surprising is my wolf just sat there staring at her in wonder. Normally he would want to rip the person to shreds, I'd always have to fight him internally for control as humans would definitely freak out if my eyes started glowing blue and claws sprouted from my fingertips. Not to mention the inhuman growl that would start in my chest and make its way rumbling up my throat seeking an exit to show everyone who is boss. To be honest, we have never really been in this situation with a human before, much less a female. They usually back away instantly, and if it's another wolf, I just allow my Alpha aura to radiate off me, causing them to bare their necks in submission with a tilt of their head.

"Mr Black, would you mind taking a seat, assuming you have finished introducing yourself to the new student so I can start the class?"

"Of course Sir." I mumbled and sat in the seat in front of her, diagonal to Ed.

"What in the moon goddess was that all about!?" Ed practically yelled into the mind link. "I've never seen you or your wolf let anyone get the upper hand... do you think..."

He had a hopeful sound in his voice, which confused me even more.

"Spit it out Ed, I don't have time for-"

"Ummm.. Hi, I'm Ed" I hear Ed say to the new girl behind me in a hushed whisper as the class began working on the Maths assignment given to us. I wouldn't have heard what they were saying if it weren't for Shadow's hearing assisting me.

"Umm... Hi, yeah, I know who you are. We were on the bus together." She whispered back. "Um, I didn't need your help back there. I was quite capable of dealing with your mate Jax, by myself."

"Wait, she thinks my mate is Jax?" Ed sends me through the mind link.

I almost snorted out loud but held it in. I shake my head at him. "Humans use the word mate instead of friend, we use it to describe our soulmates, hence the abbreviation for mate."

Alexa continued; "but thank you for being the only one who has shown kindness to me today." I could almost hear the smile that must have been on her face and wished it was directed towards me instead.

At that moment, it felt like someone just stabbed me through the heart with a knife coated in silver. Guilt flooded my body. It overwhelmed me. I had hurt her feelings.

Wait, why was I even feeling this guilty? I don't even know the girl and I wasn't anywhere near as rude as I would normally be?

"Can I ask how old you are." Ed asked her.

"Eighteen" she answered with a shrug. I could see her from the reflection of the window to the right-hand side of the classroom. I gazed in that direction often, trying to catch a glimpse of her when the sun hid behind the clouds, allowing her reflection to sharpen and become more visible.

"Darn I was so sure she might have been our Luna," says Ed through our mind link. "But if she's already eighteen, you wouldn't have been able to keep your hands to yourself if she was your mate. You would have smelt her scent and it would have driven your wolf crazy."

"Wait my mate? Is that what you were on about? It would make sense why my wolf is taking it easy on her... Maybe I should try to touch her and see if there are sparks caused by the mate bond?"

"Yes!" Ed shouts back at me eagerly.

"What do you think I should do? Should I stand up and accidentally trip into her? No, no, that's just creepy.'"

"What if I ask her for a pencil because I've left mine at home and brush my fingers up against her hand as she hands me one?"

"Yeah, that might work, but then what if she says no?" Ed asks me with a small amount of concern seeping through his voice.

"I am not sure I can handle that type of embarrassment right now." I admit absentmindedly while staring down at my blank open book.

"Zander, I might be your wingman at parties for hook-ups, but awkward situations like these are not my forte. I can already feel myself blushing at what she might say or do and the potential awkwardness that may await us." Ed said seriously.

Just as I was ready to turn around and figure out how to touch her without looking like a creep, the classroom door swung open and in came Rachel and another new girl I hadn't seen before.

"Oh no, this can't be good!" Ed states in a worried voice through our mind link, and I can't agree with him more.

A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to StephBird9! Thanks for being my first reader!

Anyone else feel the awkwardness I felt while writing this chapter? Hope I made you all smile! Who is this Rachel girl? Any guesses before reading on?

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