Chapter 48 - Unravel

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Alexa's POV:

"Okay I must be hallucinating, maybe I should go back to bed." I say to Alessia while picking up her gift of the ground. I glanced back now maintaining eye contact with the people sitting at the large rectangular table.

"I think I've caught what you have." She replied bewilderedly. I saw mum and Wendy sitting smack in the middle of the table facing us. On either side of them sat two men who looked like they could have been brothers. The chairs at the end of the table, and side closest to us were empty.

I gazed at the man on the very left who was sitting beside my mother. Our eyes connected and every one of my limbs froze. Looking back at me was a pair of brown eyes. I knew these eyes because I would look at them every morning and every night before I went to bed. They belonged to the man in the picture that lived on my bedside table. They belonged to my father.

My heart began to race, my palms became even more sweaty than they were before, if that was even possible. I was stuck in a moment frozen in time, and by the looks of it, so was Alessia. The only thing that snapped me out of my shock was the words: "Dad?" Spoken by Alessia.

My full attention, was now on my best friend who stood on my right. She ran up to the man who sat beside Wendy on the right side of the table. She threw her arms around him and cried tears of joy as he raised her off the ground embracing her while spinning around.

My eyes traveled back to my father who was now standing and walking towards me. When he got close enough I saw a tear make it's way down the side of his face.

"My little moon.. happy birthday." His voice wavered with emotion as he spoke. His eyes glassy and his hands trembled by his side as he raised them and engulfed me into a tight warm embrace. Okay I lied, it was a steaming hot embrace. His body temperature only made mine skyrocket. I pushed him away desperately needing cool air and some distance. The look of hurt in his eyes was enough to send mountains of guilt soaring my heart in two.

"Alexa!" My mother scolded me. Her words laced with disappointment.

"I'm.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you, I'm just really confused and really hot right now." I say fanning my face. I felt a small stabbing pain in my lower abdomen so went to take a seat. I didn't know what was happening to me but the last thing I wanted was to go to bed when I had so many questions that needed answering.

My emotions were all over the place. I was a mix between happy and angry at the fact I was told my father was dead my whole life.

Once everyone was seated my father began talking. "I need you to keep an opened mind at what I am about to tell you. I can prove everything but I need you to first listen." He looked at both Alessia and I before he continued.

"When I first met your mother, and when Gabe first met Wendy, our world changed. You don't live in the world you think you do."

"Don't I know it." I whispered to myself thinking about vampires and witches, but everyone seemed to have heard me somehow. "Sorry please continue."

"Well, as I was saying, there are such things as witches and werewolves."

"What? Werewolves too!" I screamed in shock. "I knew about the vampires and witches but.." without realising the words were out of my mouth. My eyes widened and my hand flew up to stop my mouth from talking.

"You- you know about vampires?" My mother asked with shock all over her face. I glanced around the room and realised Wendy and Alessia were the only ones not surprised that I knew. Alessia and I were attacked and she was with Crim, but how did Wendy know?

"I.. uh.. may have had a few run ins with a vampire recently." I said slowly.

"Wow, Alexa you never fail to surprise me! Even I didn't know about vampires!" A familiar voice came from the door behind me, but it couldn't be..

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