Chapter 27 - Fighting Dirty

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Alexa's POV:

When I snuck out of the house something told me to wear one of Zander's hoodies. For some reason as weird as it sounds, I needed to not smell like me. Let's just call it a gut feeling, one of many I seem to have ignored lately.

I made it to the bus stop and saw Jax get in the bus a little after me. I pulled the hoodie down and made sure I sat in a different seat just to be sure I would go unnoticed. After I got to school I went straight to the gym to sign up for the self defence class that's starts at lunchtime. I know self defence sounds funny to some and may not come in handy, but after what happened with that vampire Spike, any advantage is still an advantage. I wasn't going to take any chances.

Maybe my punch to his face landed in the exact spot it needed to and as a result he exploded? I didn't really believe that theory, but I didn't have any logical explanation for anything these days. My only other explanation was that the tingles I felt that day was a warning something was going to happen, and that I somehow managed to harness light and heat from the sun and burned him to a crisp. I laughed that theory off realising how delusional It sounded. I also couldn't explain why my blood made him choke? Maybe I'm special? Either way none of that sounds logical at all so I shrugged that thought off also.

As I got to the front of the line it was around 9:10am and I noticed the person sitting behind the desk was Jax. He looked straight at me genuinely surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed quietly at me as to not draw attention. "And why are you wearing Zander's hoodie?"

My eyes widened and I didn't know what to say other than the truth. "I'm here for self defence classes, who is teaching them?" I tried the old 'change the topic' trick not wanting to explain why I was in Zander's clothes.

"I am," he said seriously. "And I won't take it easy on you." He said with a smirk. 

"I wouldn't want you too." I replied in all honesty. "No rival will take it easy on me. It's good to learn what I will need to expect."

He handed me the form and I signed it. It was a waver making sure any damage to your body or ego can't reflect badly on the school as this is a independent class. It was $5 a session.

I grabbed my money out and he pushed it back towards me. "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't hear the end of it if Zander found out I accepted money from you. Welcome to the team."  Jax said with a smile.

That made no sense to me, but hey I wasn't going to complain. "Thanks." I replied before walking further into the room.

Jax put up a sign that said 'back in 10 minutes' and walked out of the room. I knew what he was about to do so I yelled out at Jax. "Hey don't worry about telling Zander, Alessia would have figured it out by now, I'm sure she is there by now."

I know he heard me but chose to keep walking. I waited a few minutes and snuck out the same way Jax did. I was hiding behind the door and could just make out his conversation. I heard Zander through the phone yell out "What!" and saw Jax cringe and move the phone away from his ears. I stifled my laughter and quickly went back to the gym to make sure I didn't get busted eavesdropping. I got the reaction I wanted anyway. Serves him right for trying to control me. Who does he think he is? His not even my boyfriend nor will he ever be with a controlling side like that!

Jax began the class in the gym. They rolled out various padded mats for everyone to stand on.

"Okay guys team up with a friend." Jax announced standing at the front of the class.

"Uh excuse me, I'm kind of new here and just started today, would you mind being my partner? You just seemed the most approachable." I looked at the new guy standing in front of me. He had short blond hair and pretty green eyes and was slightly taller than me. He had an average build and I could sense his determination if that even made sense.

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