Chapter 23 - The Power of the Vampire Prince

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Alexa's POV:

"How are you feeling?" Alessia knelt on the floor beside the couch I was laying on. A stray tear betraying me as it ran down my right cheek. I hugged her tightly and began sobbing against her neck. I could no longer act brave or strong, I didn't care that there were five people watching me come undone. My best friend nearly died.. and so did I. 

"How am I feeling?" I said between sobs, trying to calm myself down. "Much better now that I am surrounded by family and friends. Even if I was to die right now I'd die happy knowing you survived. Last night was the scariest day of my life. I watched you bleeding out." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, and quickly wiped the many stray tears that were falling freely down my face.

Alessia laughed. "I like how the scariest day in your life was because I was dying and not because we just discovered vampires were real and were trying to kill us." She said in disbelief. "I think we both have issues." She said, coaxing a laugh out of me in the process.

I glanced up at Crim and moved to try and sit up. Zander helped lift me under my arms into a seating position, before I could even comprehend what he was doing. He was being extremely attentive towards me for some reason, but as odd as it was I couldn't say I hated it. I gave him a small smile before turning my attention back on Crim.

"Thank you Crim. Although it's your brother who scares me more than anyone I know, and although you are a vampire, I know you are different and I thank you for saving Alessia."

"Haha.. well I am not that different, I am still a vampire, and you're welcome."

"Yes, but apart from when you bit Alessia yesterday to mark her, you hadn't touched human blood for over sixteen years." Gasps by everyone surrounded me. But Crim's face paled significantly. Considering his already pale completion, that's saying something.

"Tell me how you know this, and how you know what marking is?" Crim's voice held shock and confusion.

"Huh?" I asked confused thinking back to what I said. My eyes widened. "I.. I don't really know? To be honest I didn't realise what I said until I said it, like it was knowledge I already had stored in my brain. Oh! Please tell me I'm not turning into a vampire!" I asked with wide eyes.

"No, for that to be the case you would have already been dead as part of the transformation, and not many vampires would know facts like you. Most can play around with recent memory, but that's about it, unless you come from a royal bloodline like Ash or myself."

"Wait, so what is your power?"

"I have the ability to change or erase memories, where others can only manipulate recent memories. I can also find people by feel and transport directly to them or where I want to go."

"Wow that's so cool!" Said Ed with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes it is, but it's like second nature to me now. Alexa to get us back on topic, what I do know is that your body is rejecting the venom." Crim then looks at Zander who is sitting on the armrest right by my side.

"Can I have a word with you outside?" Crim asked Zander.

"Oh no, I don't think so, you don't get to talk about me behind my back. I already feel like I'm going crazy I don't need you all adding to it."

"You're right Alexa I apologise, I was simply going to tell Zander that you have been through too much already to-" He paused mid sentence to glance at Zander. It was like they were having a private conversation. "Complicate matters further." I saw Zander give the slightest nod in understanding so I glared at them both. I wasn't stupid but I also didn't have the energy to argue. I took a deep breath and cringed at the movement. My hand instinctively went to my neck. Zander moved to sit beside Alessia, directly in front of me on the ground. He was now eye level with me and checked me over. He genuinely looked like he was in pain as well. He went to put his hand on mine but changed his mind. I didn't miss the way Jax and Ed looked at each other like they were having their own secret conversation.

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