Chapter 106 - Purple Is The New Black

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Alexa's POV:

Ella had practically dragged me out of the safe house once we were finished. She demanded I ignore Zander's mind link asking me to return to the training grounds, and follow her instead. 
I obliged only because I forgot to ask for his permission before tapping into his energy. I may have been avoiding him due to the fact I completely forgot he was training. I hope he didn't get too banged up because of me.

When Ella led me through the Mansion into her lab, I froze at the sight before me. Countless racks on wheels filled the entire room. Hanging stiffly on special hangers were lilac coloured armour. The mens armour looked to outline their pecks and ab muscles, while the women's armour curved around the breasts and were slim around the waist. On the sides were a special stretchy fabric that reminded me of the warriors outfit Ella had given me when I challenged Jax. The same one with sharp edges on the skirt. I smiled at the memory.

"The only thing lacking is the sharp edges." I said joking.

"Look at the back.." Ella said with a proud smile. When I approached one, I noticed little sharp fins lining the back in rows. The shape reminded me of a shark fin but there were five fins in a line and three lines down the back. 
If anyone tries to attack you from behind, they won't know what hit them. Other than the armour containing wolfsbane, I have injected these spikes with silver. The pain alone should be enough of a distraction to help us slip from the enemies grasp."

"Ella, I think we are more alike than we thought. We both have a creative side." I say marvelling at the armour before me.

"I hope Ella's not taking all the credit!" Alessia stepped out of a ball of smoke approaching us with her arms crossed. Mock offence crossing her face. "Why do you think I made you sit through that hour long documentary about stone fish? I assure you I was not doing it for selfish reasons."

"Oh!" A gasp escaped Ella. "You inspired my genius spikes! You're sneakier than I thought!" She laughed with wide eyes.

"Yeah well, I saw a few alternatives of the future and this one saved the most lives," Alessia shrugged speaking as if we were talking about the weather, and not people's lives.

"So.. are you going to try it on?" Ella asked looking at me.

"Ella please don't be offended but my loosest pair of pants hardly fit me right now."

"Hush, do you honestly believe I didn't make a special one for our Luna who is carrying my precious's niece. My duty is to protect her so therefore I must protect you to the best of my ability without being there." Ella avoided eye contact reaching for a hanger in the back. She was trying to hide her emotions but we could still hear it in her voice as she spoke.

I grasped the armour in my hands admiring the feel of the fabric and how stretchy it was. "Can this support a warrior once they have shifted?" I asked unable to hide my assumption.

"Yes it should in theory, but I haven't tested it yet. I'm not sure if it will support all shapes and sizes, some might have to be custom made but I didn't have the time to measure our warriors before making them. Only the Alpha and Luna's armour has extra stretch to accommodate for your much larger size. I happened to have both of your measurements already on the system so it should work."

"You should have saved your energy with mine, I'm not able to shift without harming my little one." I say.

"Alexa, if it comes down to both of you dying or one of you shifting and surviving, I wanted to know you had that choice." Ella said with a sadness I felt deep in my heart. I could tell it pained her to even speak those words out loud, especially being my babies protector. 

"Thank you Ella, we love you too." I said realising Alessia hadn't said much since arriving. I looked over to where she stood. She had a look of devastation cross her face as she stroked one of the hanging armours. I could see the tears beginning in her eyes before she snapped herself out of her daze. 

Ella and I swallowed harshly realising she must know who that armour belongs to. She must know whos futures don't change, who won't be surviving this war.

My heart sunk and tears welled in my own eyes. "I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to know what awaits us all, and who won't be here in a few short days." I said keeping my voice low, unable to find the strength to speak any louder. "You are the strongest person I know Alessia." I say taking a step towards my best friend.

When her glassy eyes connected with mine, her tears fell letting gravity have its way with them. Unable to hold in her sobs any longer she threw herself into my arms. I heard the door click as Ella's scent faded from the room giving us our moment of pain. 

It was all becoming too much. We both cried and cried feeling the familiar pain wedge a ball into my throat. One that hurt to swallow. We squeezed each other before I whispered into her ear. "I just want you to know, that no matter what happens to me.." I cough trying to find the right words to stay strong for Alessia. "I have lived a great life. You, Abe, Wendy and.. my mum. You have all made my time here perfect. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. Well apart from one thing." I trailed off speaking my thoughts.

"What's that?" Alessia says looking into my eyes. She did her best to hold the water works, her attention on my next few words. "I only wish I could have birthed our baby girl, and given her a chance at life. It's another thing to be willing to sacrifice myself for the world, but knowing if I do, I would be sacrificing her too.." I sniff before continuing. "It's that, that will truly kill me inside."

"I know." Alessia says wiping the tears falling from my eyes. "Alexa there's something you probably should know.. in case you want to say goodbye."

"No. if it's about the future I don't think I want to know. Everyone I love already knows how much they mean to me. I've made note to remind them all everyday. If it won't change the outcome, please.. don't tell me."

Alessia nodded her head in understanding, but I could see the internal fight she was having with herself. Her desire to want to change a future that was set in stone.

"Here you should probably try this on." Alessia said handing me my armour. She helped me into it. It was surprisingly stretchy and I noticed the area covering my stomach wasn't one solid piece but small sections of armour stitched and brought together with stretchy material. It would grow with my body.

"Ella did an incredible job with these." I say out loud.

"Indeed. These will help save around one hundred lives." My eyes widened realising just how many may perish in this war. How many innocent souls will suffer because of one evil person. 

It wasn't long until Alessia, Ella and I began making our way back to the training field. To my surprise both Ben and Crim were there standing awkwardly with a large gap between them. I didn't think Ben knew much about Crim but he must have felt his power enough to be wary.

"I thought it would be a good idea for the warriors to get reacquainted with Crim since we are all on the same side." Alessia whispered beside me. 

Before I could respond a gasp left my lips at the state of Zander. Streaks of blood covered every inch of his body. 

"Oh.. so now my Luna decides to grace us with her presence." Zander's attention was solely on me even though he was speaking to everyone. His posture was rigid and his arms were crossed making his thick muscles bulge delishiously.

"What.. what happened to you?" I asked watching as Jax and Ed began to snicker. 

"Zander decided to show off and say that he could take both Ed and I on at the same time." Jax said with a huge grin. "He was doing quite well until he became disorientated and weak." Jax finished, earning a growl of disapproval from Zander. 

"I am not weak!" He growled. "Alexa tapped into my energy and took a bunch of it without telling me." As Zander spoke he took slow calculating steps towards me. His eyes turning as dark as the night sky, before a deep rumble emerged from his chest that sent heat rushing to my core.

"Mate." Shadow had taken over and buried his head into my neck making my breathing hitch. After inhaling my scent a few times I heard his deep voice by my ear, and felt his warm breath tickle my neck. "Now that I know you are okay, you have some explaining to do."

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