Chapter 71 - The Secret Cave

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Alexa's POV:

I was amazed at what I saw. Sure I had heard others attempt to describe me, but the reality was, no one could have come close. There really were no words.

My silhouette and eyes were like shimmering rainbows constantly moving and changing shades as they reflected the moonlight. I knew to everyone else I was invisible but this is what Zander saw when he looked at me.

"Oh, how about I turn our invisibility off." I felt a comfortable warmth that coated our fur, disappear. I didn't realise I had adjusted to it until it was gone. I guess I now understood what Glim meant about adjusting to some of the magic within us.

We became visible and I could now see a white wolf looking back at me. I had a slight glow to my fur and my eyes were the only reminder of my real appearance.
My eyes looked like a full moon with strands of blue, yellow, red and green in the irises. 

"Wow.. we're beautiful." Other than those three breathless words, I was rended speechless. Finally getting to see the other side of me felt surreal, like a dream I would wake up from at any moment. In wolf form we walked into the water until we were fully submerged.

After feeling relaxed, my fur felt beyond heavy. Once my nose adjusted to the smell I was ready to leave. I swam towards the left and noticed an area that didn't have clusters of crystals against the wall. Dark shadows took their place and it took me a while to realise there was another passage.

"How did I not notice that before?" Glimmer spoke, surprised by what I had found. The water that continued through the passage was two metres wide and a bit more than a metre deep. On either side of the water sat enough black rock for two people to walk side by side. 

After a few minutes the beautiful purple and blue glow disappeared from behind me, replaced by darkness.

I picked up a familiar scent, but was unable to pinpoint what it was above the strong smell of hydrogen Sulphide. 

I couldn't see anything in front of me and my wolf form felt weaker for some reason. I felt something wasn't right, so I stopped walking.

"I have an idea Glim, but I don't know if it will work? I'm going to try call my fire magic forward just enough to light the area." 

"Okay try not to blow anything up or we'll be trapped here forever. I know we're still upset at Zander but I do feel a lot better now and would still like a future to look forward to." Glimmer's voice filled my mind. 

I stepped out of the water and instinctively reached out to my fire magic. It came to me like a loyal pet to its owner ready to play. I pictured a ball of fire in my paw as I held it up.  My whole body began to feel the familiar warm tingles I had grown accustomed to.

When I opened my eyes there was no ball of flame in my palm, but I could see everything around me as a warm orange glow emanated from our fur. "Not exactly what I pictured?"

"No its way cooler!" Glimmer replied. I took a few more steps forward but stopped abruptly. "Ouch!" Our paw landed on a sharp rock but what caused me more pain was the soft petals I stumbled back onto.

The open wound stung and sharp pain danced up my leg. My bones snapped and reformed, undergoing a transformation against my will. Fighting the transformation only made it more painful, so I allowed the change to happen.

My magic was still working but I could no longer talk to Glimmer. It was like a brick wall appeared between us. I reached out to the pack link next but that just caused me a headache. "Okay guess I'm on my own." I say to myself hearing my words echo off the passage walls surrounding me.

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