Chapter 115 - Predicted

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Alexa's POV:

So much blood. The once green grass and brown soil all looked to have been stained red. Blood of the rogues, blood of our warriors, blood from the vampires that Crim's army had come and fought, but the most recent was the blood of my dad, the alpha of bright star.

Zander was in wolf form taking down three rogues at a time. He was a weapon not to be messed with. His speed and size astounded most, but his ability to disappear into the shadows and darkness was what made him so lethal. So many didn't even see him coming as he popped out from the cover of darkness for seconds at a time, to slice, bite and claw at his enemies. 

I was so distracted and in awe of Zander that I didn't see when the witch attacked. Jax shouted out to warn me but it was too late. Although there was some distance between us, the magic we both possessed seemed to close the gap. A razor sharp claw emerged from her wand latching onto my arm, as she yanked it back a large chunk of skin and blood left a gapping wound. Lucky for me it healed within seconds.

Her magic looked dark as the night while mine changed between silver and gold. 
She held my torn flesh in her hand with a smirk that caused a shiver to run down my spine. The kind that came when you were petrified of what was to come. She placed my flesh in a tube that had liquid and gave it a shake. The vile turned green and began to bubble.

"tsk tsk.. you have no idea the mistake you have just made child. Perfect timing at that too.." Glacey said casting her eyes towards the moon. The eclipse had just begun. She wouldn't have full power until the moon was fully covered and I wouldn't get my strength back until the eclipse was over. I doubt she planned on letting me live long enough to let me fight back.

I still had my magic and intended to use as much of it as I could before it was lost to me.

Alessia filled my mind with her voice reminding me of the last part of the prophecy. "When her power returns, she will have one chance to right the wrongs of the past. To heal what was lost, there is always a cost. If she doubts for a moment, the world too shall be lost." The part she was referring to, was about me getting my powers back.

Alessia leaped by my side her wolf vanishing the second she landed. "Man were going to miss that wolf form. Thanks by the way, that was incredible!"

I smiled while keeping my eyes on the witch. "I planned it for a long time, hope it lived up to your expectations."

"It was much better!" She gleamed before her expression turned sour. Alessia stood to the left of me, Jax was fighting vampires eight metres to my left, while Zander was fifteen metres to my right.

Glacey raised both of her hands, a spell left her lips that caused the ground to shake. Large cracks swallowed men from both sides. Screams and panic filled the air, along with the thick smell of fear and blood.

I looked around to see the remaining warriors badly injured and some dying. I could see the fight leaving their eyes and knew there was nothing more they can do for us here.

"We need to send them to the safe house." Glimmer said speaking my thoughts. I closed my eyes and filled my heart with the desire to protect our men. There wasn't that many of us left now, it was what the witch planned all along. Without an army and without my magic I will be a sitting target.

"This spell has been months in the making my child, I hope you can appreciate it." Her old withered voice filled my ears as she spoke. "It is the ultimate spell to end a life without consequence, and I have placed your blood inside it. It will only attack those who have your blood running in their veins. Your mother is dead, your father.." she looked to his body on the grass. "Is dead, your brother is no where in sight, and your mate is much too occupied to save you."

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