Chapter 96 - Underestimated

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Zander's POV:

I knew for a fact that Alexa was still trying to understand her possessive and protective side. It was understandable since she believed she was a human for so long.

I on the other hand grew up with the constant warnings and reminders to respect ones mates. A few times I witnessed first hand how fights broke out over nothing more than a wolf whistle or insulting comment in front of someones mate.

"Don't apologise darling, although modesty is rare in any pack, unmated and newly mated wolves are extra protective. The feeling only intensifies the higher rank the wolf is, and you my darling are on a whole other level. If it makes you feel better you can mark me again." I said with a wink.

My eyes widened and Shadows tail waged excitedly in my mind when we saw Alexa smirk. Her two canine teeth that were designed for marking, descended into two razor sharp points.

She took two steps towards me. I froze both in surprise but also calling her bluff. She knew as well as I did that a bite between mates causes strong arousal to flood through our veins and our bond. It 'always' leads to sex.

The desire and need to claim each other was something that couldn't be ignored. Our wolves would take control and finish what we started uncaring of who was around.

I heard gasps from Ed, Areal and Ella who stood in front and behind the captured rogues. Their reaction was to Alexa's hands as she tangled one in my hair pulling my head to the side to allow her more room. The other wrapped around my back as her lips grazed my ear.

I felt her warm breath as she whispered only loud enough for me to hear; "Don't play with a fire you can't control, you will be the one to get burnt."

Her words and touch had my body craving more. Her warm tongue darted out over my mark sending blissful sparks dancing down towards the lower half of my body. After a second her teeth grazed along my mark eliciting a moan I couldn't hold back.

A triumphant grin was all I saw before she darted off towards the mansion. It took everything in me not to chase after her.

I heard Ed whispering; "Doesn't Luna know a wolf's need to chase, we'll see this as a game? Especially an Alpha."

"Oh she knows exactly what she's doing.." a giggle escaped my sister as she spoke giving me an amused grin.

"Jax, Ed and Ella you're in charge! You know what to do with the prisoners. Get these guards to help if needed, something's just come up." I shouted eagerly through the mind link as I ran after my mate.

"Oh we saw exactly what 'came up' all the way from here!" Jax said out loud making even the guards crack a smile, unable to hold onto their solemn facades.

Shadow and I ignored the comment and flew through the air in wolf form. There was something so freeing in giving in to the chase. We were faster in wolf form and able to track Alexa's movements more accurately. To the other pack members Alexa and I would look like a blur of speed."

We skidded to a stop, confused by the sudden change in direction. Our movements so hasty, we crashed into a sharp tree branch that plunged between our ribs.

The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as we bit into our tongue to hold back our scream. "Zander what happened? I can feel your pain." Alexa's out of breath words reminded me of what I had been doing. I put up my walls blocking our connection.

Ignoring the warm blood running down our fur we ran as fast as we could, which was quite fast since we had completed the mating process. What concerned me, wasn't the black spots coming in and out of my vision but the thought of Alexa pushing her body so much in her condition. I honestly thought she would have taken more precautions.

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