Chapter 46 - Fun and Games

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Alexa's POV:

I instinctively reached out to Glimmer and opened up my mind.

"Glimmer is that you?"

"Yeah it's me I guess it worked?"

"Not quite, I'm still wearing the pendant. Something strange happened earlier in front of Alessia and I'm surprised she didn't freak out more than she did." 

"I know I was able to see and hear most of your discussions, I just couldn't reach out to you for some reason. Eventually I tried a little harder and you realised somehow." Glimmer informed me.

"I think our body absorbed something from the pendant. It seemed to know that I intended on removing it in order to speak with you. Do you think it's decided to let our connection through without having to take it off moving forward?" 

"Possibly, just keep your mind open to me at all times and maybe that's how our connection will grow? I actually have a favour to ask you.." Glimmer said getting my attention.

"Okay what is it?"

"Can I take over for a while? I can push you far back in our mind and you can sleep like the first time. I have something I need to do but am not ready to share it with you until I know for sure. It's something that will make us stronger in the long run. Please trust me?"

"Of course I trust you Glimmer, but, is this how it's always going to be? I mean do I always need to wake up naked and have no idea what's happened?" I ask

"No this will be the last time I make you sleep through it, and I'll make sure you wake back up in the house. I can't promise the clothes thing though, I struggle controlling your human side, It may take some practise."

"Okay let me get us outside and undress."

Zander's POV:

It was 2am and Shadow and I felt restless, so we decided to go for a run. We have been avoiding going to sleep lately not wanting to run into that witch again. 

The leaves crunched and soil flew into the sky as our powerful paws kicked off against the earth, propelling me like never before towards my destination. I couldn't be certain but Shadow and I had a good whiff of vanilla and caramel. It was drifting on the wind that surrounded us. After twenty minutes of running, I ended up at the bottom of a cliff. Tall boulders surrounded us in a semi circle while the forest watched from behind. It was a dead end. We looked at our surroundings. There were rabbits diving into burrows and insects scurrying away. I could hear the howling wind pushing it's way through the thick tree branches making them grown and rattle in protest. What I couldn't see was my mate, however I knew she was nearby because her scent had intensified.

I could feel her watching us. We looked up towards the peak of the Jagged cliff above us. Relief flooded through me when I noticed her sitting on her hind legs. The moon shone brightly behind her casting while light around her silhouette. She has her head tilted to her right as she watched us.

It was clear she had chosen this destination to lure me in. It was why she selected an area with high altitude and howling winds. She was up there knowing we would be able to smell her from afar. Shadow began wagging his tail excitedly, knowing she wanted us to find her. Her fur looked magical, shimmering and bending moonlight at will. Hues of every colour imaginable was outlining her silhouette but what we found galvanising were her eyes. Brighter than the moon that sat suspended above us. She was breathtaking. Looking at the silver and orange that danced and sparkled in her eyes it looks as though the sun and moon were fighting against each other, to see who was brighter.

Her front legs lowered along with her snout, right before she sprung through the air landing directly in front of us. The force from her perfect landing caused the air and a puff of dry dirt to move our fur. Her eyes locked onto ours never straying. I stayed perfectly still not wanting to scare her away this time.

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