Chapter 108 - Eve

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Alexa's POV:

Black and white, good and evil. Two orbs plagued my dreams every night leading up to today. The eclipse was tonight. 

I'd like to say that I was granted a sleep in, on what was potentially the last night of my life, but that sadly wasn't the case. A few hard and rapid knocks on my bedroom door made sure of that.

"Ugh" I groaned out as I tried prying the covers off my stiff, sore body. I blindly made my way over to the door avoiding the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. 

When I opened the door with my eyes still shut tight, a loud gasp made them fly open. Alessia stood in my doorway with a look of shock, rage, and a small amount of amusement all fighting for dominance as it crossed her face.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" I yawned. "You're not the one with a splitting headache." I mumble making my way back towards the soft warm bed.

"Haha.. That's a funny one considering you're not wearing any." Alessia giggled closing the door behind her.

It took me a few seconds longer than it should have to realise what she had said. My eyes widened as I took in my appearance. My legs and arms were not only bare but covered in bites and claw marks that seem to have been taking their time to heal. My swollen belly was the only place left completely untouched. At least now I understood why my limbs had been protesting with every movement I made.

"Zander could have at least left me with a better canvas to work with on such short notice."

I glared at Alessia waiting for her to elaborate. She just shook her head and made a zipping motion against her lips using her fingers. She then promptly dragged me towards the shower and urged me to be quick. 

Once clean and awake, I walked out in my robe to see Alessia had hair and makeup products arranged neatly on the coffee table. She patted the seat on the couch beside her.

"This really isn't necessary. I'm sure the evil witch won't see me all dolled up and change her mind about killing me." I laughed dryly, not finding my words funny in the slightest.

"You never know? It might be in one of the visions that I don't see because I'm standing beside you at the time. I don't get to see ones involving me, remember?" She said jokingly. I could see even she didn't believe her words.

"Hey Alessia, there's been one thing that's been bothering me. If you can't talk about it I understand.. but I have to ask."

"Go on.." She said with a mask of seriousness now covering her face.

"These dreams we've been having lately, it's like they're really trying to tell me something. I can't figure out what that something is? In each dream the black orb which I believe represents the witch, and the white orb which I thought should represent me, both crash and die, but I'm somehow there and left standing and safe? It doesn't make any sense. Am I not the white orb? Maybe I'm not the chosen one after all?"

Alessia's face screwed up like she was trying to figure out how to respond, or what she was allowed to say without changing the future. "Alexa you're overthinking it. There are two things I'm certain of. One; you're the chosen one. Two; you are the descendent of the moon goddess as it says in the second prophecy."

"Wait, that would mean you also have pure blood since our fathers are brothers." I say.

"Your father is older than mine so only he has the active pure blood gene. It only gets passed into the first born. It's still in our blood obviously but it will always lay dormant. For some reason your father was also only a carrier despite being the firstborn."

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