Chapter 25 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Alexa's POV:

Great now everyone was laughing again and I was blushing profusely. My red hot skin from the shower was long forgotten. I sat at the dining table and as Zander walked in I notice him smile at me in amusement. I didn't fail to notice that he walked around the table and chose to sit at the seat beside me rather than the one next to Jax and Ed that was closest to him.

"So what is everyones plans for the day?" Ella questioned as the boys took greedy mouthfuls. I chose to be the first to reply; "Well it's Friday so I still plan on going to school." I said with a shrug. 

"The hell you are!" Said Zander shocking everyone with his sudden change of tone. I just looked at him in shock.

"What makes you think you can control me?" I said through gritted teeth. "If my parents catch on that Alessia and I are not in school-"

"No, it's too dangerous for you right now, school is not an option today. I have already handled the school and made sure the rolls have you both marked as attending."

"Since when are you my boss?" I was now angry and my fists were clenched on either side of me as my blush was long forgotten. "You can't tell me what to do!" I stood up grabbing my bag and made my way to the front door. I didn't understand Zander's change of mood all of a sudden. 

As my fingers touched the handle Zander grabbed arms just above my wrists, and turned me around pinning me against the door. His hands were firm around my lower arms that sat besides my hips, but not painful. "Can't you see I am trying to protect you!" He growled at me frustrated, his face only inches from my face. 

"Well I'm not your responsibility! Why do you all of a sudden feel the need to protect me, huh? You only met me three days ago and I won't let you boss me around!" I yanked my arms from his grip and pushed his chest hard but he didn't even budge. 

"If you don't move right now, I won't talk to you ever again." I said looking into his eyes seriously. It hurt me to say those words, but I needed him to take me seriously.

He looked at me so pained for a long moment, and my heart almost broke in response. How could I possibly be feeling angry and heartbroken all at the same time?

"Well.. as hard as it would be to live without you talking to me, at least you would be alive. If something happened to you because I was weak or not there for a third time I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

His words sunk straight into my heart. Even though I was mad, I was also surprised he cared so much. How was he taking on my burdens so easily and wanting to protect me. Nothing made sense.

We were silent for a minute just looking at each other and I ducked under his arms and went straight to the bedroom knowing he wasn't going to let me out the front door. Just as I slammed the door shut behind me, I heard Zander punch the wall and curse out loud. He was mad, but so was I.

There was another reason I wanted to go to school so badly. I wanted to sign up to the self defence class that I had seen advertised around the school, and the cut off date was today. Today was Friday. I can't believe how much had happened in my three days here.

I walked into the ensuite and turned the shower back on and put some music on my phone. I looked at my reflection and noticed my pendant was back to being blue. That's strange I thought to myself, as I waited a few minutes for the steam to surround the bathroom. I smiled mischievously at my reflection as my finger drew on the steamy mirror.

Alessia's POV: (finally)

I woke up in my mates arms early, the morning after the attack. Crim was so different from the other vampires here, however I could tell he kept his soft side hidden from everyone apart from me. All the other vampires either respected him as he was a great leader, or they were scared of him as he was more powerful than they were. He was also very attentive. He made arrangements for a human chief to be hired who was kept away from all the vampires and knew nothing of their existence. Anytime I was hungry he knew before I did somehow, and arranged for food to be sent up to our room. On the first day, he had me write down a menu of what I'd want to eat if I only had one week to live. He took the list I made and arranged everything without me realising he was taking it seriously. I had no idea until my lobster mornay came with a side of garlic mash, fresh prawns and a side bowl of Lindt chocolate mouse for dessert. He may have added a glass of what will be my new favourite wine, insisting I would love it. He was surprisingly correct.

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