Chapter 107 - Recharge

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Alexa's POV:

"I.. I'm sorry I did that without asking." I said before Shadows sharp teeth grazed against the soft flesh of my neck making me gasp. "I promise to ask permission next time." My voice came out fast and higher pitch than normal as I realised his intentions.

I felt his arousal through the bond and without Zander holding Shadow back, I knew his restraint would slip at any second. I wasn't wanting an audience but I did want time with my mate.


He growled out in approval when his name left my lips. I needed to distract him to get what I want. "I can see I need to make up for my.. behaviour. Care to play a game?"

"What game is that little mate?" He asked slowly. I could see him hanging off my every word, an intense interest in his eyes I hadn't seen before.

I decided to mind link him next. "First one to our bed gets total control for the next hour." I saw his eyes darken if that was even possible with his already black eyes, and felt his excitement through the bond. The muscle in his jaw clenched before he spoke next.

"You have a three second head start little mate. Three.. two.."

My eyes widened when I realised the time I had carelessly lost. I turned around and ran at full speed towards the house. I sent a vine his way, tangling it around his feet for good measure. As I neared the front steps I heard him stumble and fall not expecting my foul play. A frustrated growl emerging from his chest, coupled with the distant sounds of muffled laughter.

The sound of claws hacking into the vines filled my ears making me pick up my pace with urgency. In my condition I was a little slower than usual but I did get enough of a head start to be ahead.

I threw open the front doors and ran up the stairs one at a time as I didn't want to risk slipping. The excitement of the chase and the emotions filling the bond had me almost slowing down with anticipation.

"Let him catch us!" Glimmer urged wagging her tail in excitement. "It's already been too long!" She pleaded lustfully.

"No! I want to see his face when he loses." I replied stubbornly.

As I reached the top step and wrapped my hand around the door handle Glimmer spoke. "Something's not right.. it's too quiet." I froze as the door began to slowly creak open.

"Uh!" A startled gasp left my lips as I noticed Shadow half shifted, standing by the bed. The window was opened and his razor sharp claws descended where his nails once were. One nail touching the wooden bed frame. His hair and eyes the colour of midnight, his soft tanned skin clammy from his training only making his scent so much more intoxicating.

Desire.. adoration.. excitement. I couldn't tell if the emotions belonged to me or him. "I won fair and square little mate, unlike you. Do not move a muscle." His command was clear but there was one thing nagging at me.

"Shadow can I ask one thing of you?" I asked as he cocked his head to the side waiting for me to continue. "Close the window please.. it seems we have a rather large audience." I saw Shadow's head tilt, partly facing outside while still keeping his eyes on me. Guess he didn't trust me after playing dirty the first time.

A single growl from their Alpha was all it took for the warriors to bare their neck in submission and avert their gaze. Shadow closed the window and the curtains before appearing in front of me in a blur. A chill ran over my body making me furrow my brows. When I looked down my eyes widened noticing the shredded layers of clothing at my feet.

I stood their vulnerable and very much exposed. When I looked up, he had a sexy smirk pulling at his lips. His dark eyes roamed my entire body lingering on my sex that was already wet and waiting for him.

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