Chapter 62 - Commitment

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Zander's POV:

"Zander, I'm okay now, thank you." Alexa says as I place her on my bed. It was late at night, the moon was the only source of light peering through the window.

"I'll run you an ice bath anyway." I say leaving the room. I needed to apologise to her, she needed me to show her a more vulnerable side, but at the same time, what happened today could have ended very badly. We both won't be making those mistakes again.

"Zander.. I.. I'm sorry." Alexa says as I peer out from the bathroom. Her eyes were glossy and she made no eye contact. "It was my fault you were put in danger today. You wouldn't have been able to defend yourself if that rogue or Ash had noticed you before the wolfsbane wore off. I know I have a lot to learn, but please know how sorry I am. It won't happen again."

I swallowed at the feeling of guilt and pain that oozed from her as she spoke. Our bond has connected our emotions more recently.

I sat on the edge of her bed and placed a hand on her knee making her sigh. "I'm sorry too. When you spoke about taking the party elsewhere, our possessiveness and jealousy got the better of us. Shadow took control so quickly I was hardly able to react. We shouldn't have been so rough with you. Thank you for not burning us to a crisp." I say laughing. "You're my soulmate Alexa, and even if that is new to you, it's not to me. I take it very seriously and I promise to always be loyal and committed to you and one day if I'm lucky enough, our family. The thing I hated the most, was not being able to protect you. Being tied to a tree unable to move with the possibility of my mate being raped. I would have gladly died before seeing you go through that." I say not knowing how else to make her understand.

Alexa's POV:

Zander's words were full of emotion. This was him being vulnerable. Sure, maybe it wasn't in a physical manner but it was emotionally, which meant more to me than anything else.

"The truth is, it scares me how quickly my feelings have developed for you Zander. Other than my family and Alessia, I've never allowed myself to open up fully to anyone before. These feelings make me feel weak sometimes, and I don't like feeling weak. That's why I fight us sometimes." I admit.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I promise I never even think about being with anyone else. Joking around, was just my way of getting a rise out of you and feeling more in control. We're both head strong Alphas and I'm realising neither of us truly has any of the control we are used to having. I trust you enough to not need it all the time anymore." I say to Zander, sending all my sincerity and feelings through our bond.

"You are right. Maybe we are each others weaknesses but we are also each others strengths. I plan on showing you exactly what you mean to me so you never doubt it again." Zander says as he climbs on top of me. His arms on either side of my head holding his body weight up.

"No, Zander.. I don't.. I don't want to risk hurting you. Just call the doctor and get me another needle."

"Sorry, but you are only allowed one injection per heat cycle and you already had one a few days ago. Tonight should be your last night. Besides, you may not always be able to control it, but I know you won't intentionally hurt me and I'm one of the strongest Alphas around, I can handle what you throw at me." He says with a smirk.

"I can handle the pain just go to sl-" Zanders lips claim my own, erasing any thoughts and words I had intended to say. I tried so hard not to respond to the kiss. I need to prove I didn't want this in order to protect him.

That was hard though, not only did I want him, I was also in heat. His touch sent cooling waves over my scorching skin and made me crave him. My bra and underwear felt scratchy and only increased the intensity of the hot flushes.

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