Chapter 103 - Protector

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Alexa's POV:

I thankfully managed to get a few hours of sleep without any repeating night terrors last night. I'd say it's thanks to Zander's constant embrace keeping my troubles hidden deep within the cracks of my mind.

Sure to Zander's word, there was no sign of blood or birds on the window or rooftop this morning. Not even a single black feather. After waking up and having breakfast with Ed, Jax, Ella, Max and Zander, we all made our way to the training field.

All the warriors stood at attention as Zander and I approached the front. I could feel Zander's alpha aura rolling off him and see the reaction it had on everyone except for me. It must be a mate thing I thought.

"Attention everyone, today and the next four days we will be pushing you to your limits. The war is this weekend and we need to be ready. It could be the difference between life or death, so no one is to slack off. Give it your all."

"Yes Alpha." Everyone replied before going for a run around the property to warm up. Everyone apart from Ella and Max who walked over towards us.

"Where's mum and dad? I thought they would be more involved but I haven't seen them in two weeks?" Ella asked Zander peeking my interest.

"Our parents have been spending time making a new underground safe house. The other was very outdated and needed more work than it was worth. We also wanted it to be hidden better as the entrance to the old one wasn't that discrete." Zander said stretching his muscles. My eyes following every movement unable to help myself.

I visibly saw Max shudder and turned my attention to him. Ella gave him a comforting squeeze to his shoulder as he stood at her side.

"Max have you been in one before?" She asked kneeling down to his eye level. He nodded.

"It was two years ago when we first got caught. They waited us out and since we couldn't see outside we didn't know. We had run out of food anyway so we had no choice. I remember the part I hated most was when the torch lights stopped working. It was always so dark."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Max." Ella said before turning to me. "I already know you want to go check it out."

I sent Zander a mind link. "Would you mind looking after Max while training the guys?"

"Anything to stop you from training. I'll teach him some simple self defence moves and use him as my volunteer when showing the pack new moves."

I walked over and gave Zander a grateful kiss before pulling away. "Max, would you mind helping me out today? I need a volunteer to help teach my warriors some defensive moves?" Zander's words and the gentleness in the way he spoke had my heart warming and my hand moving to my growing belly. My clothes were starting to get a little tight lately.

Max's hazel eyes widened and I could see the spark of excitement in his eyes. "Really! Me?" He asked excitedly.

"Ah huh." Zander hummed with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Well you boys have fun, I'm going to go do some girly things with Ella!" I beamed grabbing Ella by the arm and leading her away by her elbow.

"The Luna I know isn't interested in girly things, so I'm guessing you want us to check out the new safe house?" Ella said with a knowing look in her eyes.

"You do know me quite well. I'll mind link Vivian and get her location." I said excitedly.

"No need, I already did it when you were busy smooching my brother in front of poor innocent Max. I'll lead the way."

"Sadly Max has seen way more than a kiss, so this time I think he will be okay. Speaking of.. have you told Ben about Max? I haven't seen him around as much lately?"

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