Chapter 16 - Weird Is An Understatement

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Alexa's POV:

Now that I finally changed into some much dryer clothes, we decided to go shopping for a dress after having an early dinner. Abe was in his room getting changed, as he wanted to come with us to find something black to wear at Rachel's party.

I was in my room wearing a dark grey tracksuit with a loose light grey top and runners. Comfort is key when you know you will be trying on endless amounts of clothes.

"Ugh! I'm so bloated after dinner!" Alessia said holding her non existent stomach as if she was pregnant. "Now everything I wear is going to make me feel fat!" She groaned out loud.

"Alessia your like a size 8 and beautiful just the way you are, no need to be stressing at all about weight. Besides there are much better qualities I see when I look at you, stop being so superficial." I say with a frown. "You're quirky, bubbly and always know how to make me laugh and cry. You're honest, loyal and selfless. You are like the older sister I never had. You don't need to look a certain way to impress the guys, let them see the real you and they will be lining up for miles." She smiled at my words and gave me a tight hug.

"You're right, sorry, I feel much better now." She replied.

I was shocked that she was so negative towards her body over the last month, she is normally quite a confident person so it came out of nowhere. She seemed to find endless flaws that no one else could see. Literally microscopic. I am a size twelve to fourteen, and have much more curves than Alessia, but I still wouldn't say I an big and even if I was, I wouldn't have it any other way. I always felt proud of my body no matter what size. It was the one I was blessed with after all, and I don't need to be the same size as a model on the front cover of a magazine that feels she has to be starving to look sexy. My heart goes out to those beautiful woman who put so much pressure on themselves. I just want to give them a great big hug and a cupcake, not because of the sugar content and calories, but because cupcakes make everyone feel better especially ones filled with chocolaty goodness. Besides I love food way to much to have that kind of self control. Life's about enjoying it, if we're always tearing ourselves down and being too hard on ourselves, we will miss all the good things in life.

"You girls ready to go?" Abe calls out from the hallway emerging out of his room.

"Yeah, but you should go back and use your sisters toothpaste, it's much nicer than the one you just used." Alessia laughed.

"How on earth..." Abe seemed speechless and looked at Alessia like she was the strangest thing he had ever seen.

"What? I've got a sensitive nose." She said with a shrug.

A good hour later it was around 6:30pm. We caught the bus towards the shopping complex and began weaving in and out of shops. Occasionally Abe would disappear into a men's shop while us girls went to try a few dresses on, but I never found anything that felt right on me. The dresses were too dark, too short, too long, or had barely any material leaving hardly anything to the imagination. Apparently it was going to be a very classy theme so casual cocktail dresses were out of the question. Still not getting the big deal about a eighteenth birthday but clearly it means something here in this quiet little town.

The sun had begun to set allowing night to take hold of the cloudy sky. We knew shops would be closing soon. I took the time to admire my surroundings. The moon was now shining brightly casting a beautiful silvery light in the main square. It also reflected on the water in the fountain, that was built in the middle of the outdoor shopping district. The fountain consisted of two large wolves howling to the sky with a baby wolf snuggling against its mothers leg. The floor was covered in neat dark grey stone pavings, and the shops were huddled into little sections. Each section had various shops. There were small mounds and grassy areas away from the shops on the opposite side of the fountain. The park sat isolated away from any roads, as wooden benches were built strategically to ensure each had a nice view of the forest that surrounded us.

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