Chapter 58 - Flame

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Alexa's POV:

Zander begins to speak in a slow seductive voice. "I want your eyes open as I speak to you sweetheart. Face the candle, and imagine everything I could do to you with my hands. Focus on the feelings I stir inside you. Don't focus too hard on the wick or the small details, just let it sit lightly at the back of your mind. I want most of your focus on my touch and my words."

"Are you trying to help me use my magic, or are you trying to make me want you?" I ask almost sighing as Zander's cool hands start working their way towards my breasts.

"Oh no sweetheart, I know you already want me. Your heat has been slowly returning all morning. I plan on helping my sexy mate out with that problem first. If we happen to ignite a few fires along the way, I'll count that as a bonus." Zander says with a grin tugging his face. I could feel it on the side of my cheek as he spoke from behind me. As his travelling fingers slide skilfully under the armour hiding my two firm mounds from view. His fingers pinch and flick the delicate buds watching as they respond to his touch instantly.

Without realising, my body began moulding into his. My head tilted back on its own leaning on the front of his shoulder. My back arched and chest puffed out, giving him a better view as he continued his assault. When my nipples hardened, they coaxed a sexy groan out of Zander. The guttural sound that emerged from his chest had me wet instantly, and had Glimmer growling in response.

"Mate, the scent of your arousal is intoxicating! Every time I touch you, my self control starts to dissolve. Soon there will be nothing left." Zander whispers huskily before thrusting his hard cock against my clothed backside to prove a point. Warm sparks quiver, travelling from nerve to nerve until all my hairs stand upright and goosebumps litter my limbs.

"I know the feeling." I moan. My words barely audible. Keeping my eyes locked on that candle was becoming harder and harder. All I want to do is change direction and get lost in his magnetic eyes.

"Last night when I had to sleep alone, all I could think about was the feeling of your hot wet pussy surrounding my fingers as you climaxed. When sleep finally consumed me, I dreamt of what our next encounter might entail. Tell me my beautiful mate, can I taste you?"

Zander's question caught me off guard, but at the same time, I too wondered what it felt like to grip him in my hands, and taste him on by tongue. Before I realised what was happening, Glimmer took control answering for me.
"Yes." It wasn't the word itself that had me blushing, but the way she answered so desperately. She let every ounce of desire and emotion mix with the word. Zander picked up on my voice change and froze for a second, as if waiting for me to change my mind. After a moment of silence and no fight from me he stepped out in front of me.

His cerulean eyes were now the colour of the night sky. His smirk held promise of what was to come. Strong hands slide up the back of my thighs, and traveled up to my bottom. My legs wrapped around his waist instinctively.

He took a few steps and slammed me against a large smooth boulder covered in emerald coloured moss. It should have hurt but it didn't, the amount of growth cushioned the blow. Zander made sure I still faced the candles but they were now in the deepest part of my mind. Almost forgotten.

Our kiss was hard, full of passion and desire. Our moans were muffled by each other's lips as we devoured each pitch, which only added to both our need and desire. My fingers tangled in his thick black locks as he began smothering my jaw with infinite affection.

His tongue travelling from just below my ear to the delicate area where my neck and shoulder meet, making my breath hitch. As euphoric as that was, nothing prepared me for what happened next. Zander's canines grew into razor sharp points. His teeth scraping along my delicate flesh at an agonisingly slow pace. They past my erratically thumping pulse, both Glimmer's excitement and my fear began to fill me. Surely he was bluffing I thought to myself as he hovered just over the spot I was to wear his mark.

"Yes! Do you think his going to mark us?" Glimmer says prancing around excitedly in my mind.

"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission." The deep husky voice of Shadow filled my ears. Realisation hit me that Zander was no longer in control.

Glimmer was trembling in anticipation and excitement, however I knew I wasn't ready for this. Anger, panic and fear burned deep through my veins, making my blood and skin boil from the inside out. This new feeling eliminated any and all of my previous lust filled emotions. My panic and anger magnifying, the second his hands yanked my hair to the side exposing my neck I screamed.

"No!" my powerful voice erupted through my chest along with something bright and orange. Zander jumped out of the way but not fast enough since he was standing so close. The outer part of the shooting orange flame hit his side full force, catching his clothes alight. The majority of it, heading straight for the heavy tree trunk that sat below the candles.

"Haha! I knew you could do it with the right motivation!" Zander said while laughing. His gaze fixated on the large trunk, as it crackled and groaned in the smouldering flames.

"You're laughing?" I ask in disbelief. "Your clothes and half of your face is burnt to a crisp and your laughing!" Zander's entire left side of his top was missing as he faced me. The fringed edges of his clothing still glowed with apricot coloured embers. Various streaks of grey smoke evaporated from his arms, face and top, being carried into the breeze that surrounded us.

"Well, that was better than in my vision!" Came a voice from behind me. Alessia's to be exact. "Nice work Zander, maybe you would have better luck training her after all?" Alessia laughs giving him a high five.

"Sadly as tempting as that offer is, I have a ceremony to help arrange and a pack to still run. Besides I don't think Alexa will fall for the same trick twice." Zander says smirking smugly at me.

"Trick! I heard Shadow! He was in control!" I retort angrily.

"No my darling, my eyes were still my own. Shadow simply took over my voice. We planned it once we realised getting you worked up wasn't enough. It's obvious you respond better to fear and anger, over sexual stimulation. It's an offensive talent after all. You did make it too easy, though the fear you released made it clear to me how not ready you really are. As eager as Shadow and I are to tie ourselves to you, we will never force you to do anything you're not comfortable with." Zander replied.

The honesty in his voice had me feeling an emotion I hadn't identified yet. At the same time the trick he pulled had me almost hating him. Not that I could ever hate him, but I would get even.

"Well my hot feisty mate, I have a few things I need to organise for tonight so I'll see you in a few hours." Zander says before kissing my cheek.

"Tonight? Is something happening tonight?" I ask, my brows drawing closer together.

"Why yes, I have a hot date who better be prepared to stay the night. See you at six." He winks at me before taking his leave.

My mind was already coming up
with possible ways to get my revenge on Zander. I would teach him a lesson he will never forget. "Wear the wolf bracelet I bought you for your birthday, oh and before you ask, I brought you these." Alessia says with a cheeky glint in her eyes.

She hands me a few items in a bag that had me blushing and grinning all at the same time. There were no need for words between us, as the message was received loud and clear.
"Thank you, I will put them to great use." I say with a sly smirk on my face.

"Oh, I know you will. I've seen it remember? A flicker of amusement mixed with concern crossed her face but she hid it before I could question it.

With that sorted, Glimmer decides to strip and shift. We walk towards the burning tree trunk, watching the now smaller orange and red hues fight for dominance. They devoured the old weathered wood with ease. Our large paws dig up soil, kicking brown specks all over the place, effectively putting out the last signs of fire. I got dressed and began walking back to the cabin with Alessia.

"let's go eat! I'm starved!" I announce when my stomach made itself known.

"Yeah, I also came to let you know food was ready. Using magic sure does eat up our energy." Alessia replies falling in step with me.

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