Chapter 12 - Rogues and Alliances

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Zander's POV:

Dad walks in and takes a seat in his chair. The office is as big as a large bedroom with books stacked neatly on shelves that line the wall on the right, outlining a window. There is a dark solid oak desk in the centre of the room with some matching filing cabinets on either side against the back wall. An indoor plant sits proudly by the door on the left of me. My mother Vivian insists on leaving it there, she swears it calms dads wolf just a little and reduces his stress while his working.

Ed and I, we're seated on two black comfy arm chairs that sat across from the desk. Ed stood up to allow Jax his seat. It all comes down to pack hierarchy, since Jax is second in command being the Beta while Ed is the third in command being the Gamma. While Ed grabbed a spare chair from across the room, dads commanding voice echoed off the walls.

"Now that the four of us are finally together I have some important business to discuss. What I am about to say must stay in this room to avoid panic." He looked us all in the eyes and we all bared our neck in submission.

"Yes alpha." We replied in unison.

"We have been getting strange rogue attacks. Our pack and the Sharp tooth Pack rarely have issues with rogues as you all know. Unlike other packs on the mainland, we are on a secluded island which greatly reduces the sightings." Everyone listens intently as dad continues.

"The last two weeks however this has not been the case. We have been getting around three groups a day consisting of two to three wolves per cluster. Occasionally we see one on their own, and most of them stay in the water observing the guards from below. There have however, been instances where they make it to shore and seem to be closely examining the cliffs. By the time our guards go down to dispose of them they seem to just disappear." A long silence filled the air as we all take in the information.

"That doesn't make any sense, can't our guards just track them down? Rogues stink! I could track one down in my sleep!" Jax scoffs from beside me.

"Yes well that would be the logical thing to do wouldn't it?" Dad gives Jax a look that says 'don't you think we tried that.' "It appears they have been able to mask their scent and they seem to know about the island."

Ed gasps as his eyes widen.

I speak up. "Father how do you think they are able to do that? Do you think..." my brows drew closer to one another. I looked at dad and I knew he caught my train of thought as he gave me a nod.

"Okay whatever secret understanding you and dad have going on, it's not so clear to me. Care to share?" Jax asks with a raised brow.

Ed spoke next, catching on a few seconds after me. "They are using a witch." Guess our conversation was fresh in his mind.

"But that's illegal, the council will come for them! You know as well as I do that no one under any circumstances is to be seen plotting or associating with a witch or vampire, only humans are the exception because they are not a threat and can be our mates." Jax said bewilderedly.

"That's if they can prove it. It's never stopped others from trying before. Take grandpa for example, he knew the risks and arranged the island to get a protection spell anyway." Dad noted. "And it was a risk that has paid off. What's to say others aren't taking their chances also?"

"How is it, that we haven't been discovered before?" Jax asked stirring the conversation in a different direction.

I answer; "You would know the answer to this if you have ever tried to talk to someone about the island who doesn't live on the island, or knew of it previously. Even the Bright star pack don't know how we're able to protect the humans they send here. They just keep sending them anyway as they know whatever it is keeps them safe. We are physically unable to talk about the magical treaty with anyone else which is why no one knows about it. Lucy was very smart with the fine details, and clearly thought about everything before finalising the spell."

"Okay, now that everyone understands what's happening I need all three of you rotating on patrols over the next few days and nights. That means no school for the rest of the week since we need to increase our security and train the pack harder than before. This takes priority over everything else."

"Yes alpha." Ed and I say. We look at Jax questioningly.

"What about the weekend dad?" Jax asks, worry slipping through his calm composure, for a different reason than what dad thinks. I know he is referring to Rachel's party.

"I will be travelling to Derek's pack down south for a few days to come up with a plan. Since I am going to him he has agreed to send an extra ten warriors here to help us out, in case anything happens. You guys can have the weekend off, however if you notice anything strange let me know immediately."

Everyone nods at dad before he dismisses us. The others leave while I stay seated in deep thought. My gaze landing on the swaying leaves on the plant near the door.

Dad follows my line of sight and smiles. I still can't believe I've gotten away with that." He laughed.

The plant that mum thinks is helping him stay less stressed has a bit of a story. One day when I was a child dad forgot to lock his office door and I had opened it and came inside. I caught dad smelling one of mums bright red scarfs that was usually locked away in his bottom draw. He decided to tell me about the scarf if I promised not to tell mum. It's common knowledge for wolves that a mates scent has the ability to calm down a stressed or out of control wolf, even if they are an alpha. He took it from her thinking she wouldn't notice it missing since she had so many. It happened to be around the same time she had bought him that plant and placed it in his office.

Mum noticed his mood had improved that week and was adamant it was because of the plant. Turns out she was looking everywhere for that scarf for weeks, and once he found out it was too late to let it magically turn up somewhere, as he wasn't sure where she had searched. He also didn't want to come clean for two reasons. One, he knew she would be mad at him for the few weeks worth of time she had lost looking for the darn thing, and two, it was dads favourite scarf as she had worn it the first time they kissed. The scent combined with the memory really helps him and his wolf. I guess that's also why mum spent so long desperately trying to find it. He really didn't think that one through. It's been our secret ever since.

Shadow let out a small whine and covered his midnight coloured face with his paws listening in on my wondering thoughts. It's the little things that remind us about the importance of finding our mate. The longing we feel is starting to turn desperate. A mate isn't just someone you love and are loyal to, the moon goddess has literally split our soul in two, so we are only one half of a whole. Your mate is your other half. They say there is nothing more incredible than the mate bond that ties you together and it is incredibly hard to resist. Everything about the other person will draw you in. It will be their intoxicating scent, the warm sparks that dance along your skin the second you touch them, even the unbelievable amount of jealousy and possessiveness that overcomes you over the slightest thing. It is why we either die or go crazy when we lose them. You would be condemned to living in constant pain and misery knowing you're broken, never to be whole again. I'd rather die from a broken heart than live with the constant pain.

It's why I feel sorry for Derek. Even though he has slowly been losing control, he has tried his best to be strong for his pack. It's truly sad, the pack love their Alpha but know things can't stay the way they are for much longer. He has episodes where he gets violent and has even attacked pack members thinking they were rogues. It won't be long until one of his own is forced to intervene and challenge him for the title. Not many jump at the chance as it's a fight to the death and they either don't think they are strong enough to win, or can't stand the thought of killing him after all his done for them.

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