Chapter 101 - The Magic Of Love

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Zander's POV:

It only took Alexa a few seconds to settle into my embrace. I could feel her concentration as I closed my eyes.

Glimmer and Shadow have had the ability to connect at a new level recently, and have been able to talk and send images to each other without either of us having to know.

I wasn't sure if it was because Alexa was also a witch but I was sure this was something unheard of and rare.

After a few minutes I felt a warm tingle against my skin. It felt like I was sitting under the sun on a perfectly warm day, even though I knew we were now in winter and sitting under the fruit trees.

Rather than open my eyes or question anything I embraced it. I basked in the pleasure and serenity, enjoying everything it had to offer. I thought about Alexa's birth pack and the images Shadow had sent my way. I got lost in the world that is my mate. Her purity, innocence and fierce loyalty was something I could never compete with. I was lucky to call her mine.

If there was anyway I could help her I would. I envisioned my powers flowing into her and after a while felt the strain it left on my body. Although my eyes were already closed they felt like lead. My limbs weighed down so much, they relaxed from Alexa's body until I felt myself land on the soil drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Jax's POV:

I gave the two lovebirds an hour before deciding to leave the kitchen to check on them. Since she officially named me her protector, I could feel Alexa was okay but something was nagging me to go and make sure.

"I'll come." Alessia said happily hopping off her stool and following close behind me. The sun had recently set casting hues of pinks and orange along the horizon. It was my favourite time of the day. I could see the rising moon and dying sun at the same time. I smelt the special flowers that only bloom during this time and let it calm my thoughts.

"You know, you've been really good for Alexa while I've been away. I want to say thank you. I know how much they both mean to you, and I know how much you mean to them." Alessia said walking beside me.

"Hm.. we are family after all. Besides it's a lot of fun picking on her. She's the only one other than Zander who can dish it back." I laughed.

"Haha! Yes she can and she's quite sneaky when she needs to be." Alessia said with a knowing grin.

I frowned wondering what she was referring to, but before I could question anything we came across Zander and Alexa slumped on the grass. Zander was on his back with his legs crossed, as if he had fallen over while sitting down, and Alexa was half on Zander but her head was resting on the grass.

We rushed over, Alessia grabbed Alexa and I lifted Zander. I mind linked Ed and Ella to come help and meet us halfway to the infirmary.

"What happened!" Ella asked as she ran over to help Alessia.

"They will be fine, they both have depleted most of their energy, they just need to sleep it off." Alessia replied.

"I wish you told me that earlier, I've been worried sick about them and the baby." I say wishing I had thought to ask.


Alexa's POV:

My hearing was the first to come back. Although I had no control over my body, my mind was working perfectly.

I could hear the worry in Arial's voice, as she spoke to Jax while giving me fluids through an IV.

"With how fast you say her healing ability is, I'm concerned why it's taking so long for them to wake up."

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