Chapter 28 - A Gift From The Heart

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Alexa's POV:

"So tell me about your day." Alessia asked me with a knowing smile.

"Well I'm sure you already found out about me sneaking out. Other than that I ended up signing up to a self defence class and met a new guy Ben. Oh, and you wouldn't believe who was running the class."

"Jax, yeah I heard. I was there when he called Zander." Alessia said while laughing. "Alexa, I know you don't want to hear this-"

"Oh no, don't use my name like that." I groaned knowing she wanted to say something I wasn't going to like.

"His not actually a bad guy. I know you hated him trying to control you, and I don't blame you for that, but just remember that he only did it to try and protect you. I can't hate the guy for that. I also know there's some chemistry going on between you two."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. I won't be going tomorrow, I'm too mad. You are right though, I know his not a bad guy but I also won't be around someone who wants to control me. You know how I am with people like that." I replied.

I realised Ella would have told her what she had walked in on this morning and blushed.

"Okay that was a quick change from anger to embarrassment! I haven't seen you blush like that before. What did I miss?" 

Crap that means they didn't tell her and I don't think I can say what happened out loud. Alessia smiled at my lack of reply. "I want to hear all about it as we get our hair and nails done. Alessia insisted I join in even though I don't plan on going, she wanted a girls day just us. I guess spending it being pampered isn't so bad, so I agreed.

We spent the afternoon together. I filled her in on the awkward events that occurred earlier that morning, and I've never seen her cry from laughter as hard as she did. Naturally we both were in tears by the end of it, and took quite a while to calm down. When we finally got to my house our mothers charged at us.

"You girls have barely answered our phone calls and you didn't even give us notice before spending the night at a friends house. A friend you have known for a few days!" My mother was beyond angry. "You also come back at this late hour. We've pushed dinner out waiting for you girls!"

"Sorry mum our phones have been playing up and we were technically working on a school project while having a sleep over so it wasn't all fun and games. It was nice to get to know people since we have been uprooted for the hundredth time. Is it really that bad that we are trying to make friends?" Okay so I may have used her guilt about the constant moving to our advantage which I never do, but I needed the subject dropped.

She let out a big sigh. "We know you girls are responsible but you both have never done anything like this so quickly before. I was worried sick about you. Don't think I didn't notice you getting your brother to break the news to me on your behalf. I know he was distracted and an unreliable source when I heard a girl giggling in the background." She said narrowing her eyes at me. Thankfully she left it at that. 

"Okay we're going to go upstairs and clean up, then we'll help set the table." I said kissing mum on the cheek and engulfing her in a bear hug. It was nice having her this close again. Feels like too much has happened in such a short amount of time and it was nice to have something familiar to come home to.

"Hey brat!" My brother Abe called out as he descended the stairs. "You've been getting yourself into trouble and dragging me down with you! Mums annoyed at me!" He said with a raised brow. "Lucky for you you're going to make it up to me, by taking me to that party tomorrow."

I could see my mum watching us from the kitchen as we stood near the base of the stairs. "She's grounded for this weekend." My mother yells out making me smile. 

"I guess were not able to go, what a shame." I said smiling at my brother. He looked as though his world just fell apart. Dramatic much?

I began walking backwards up the stairs. "On second thought you look way too happy with your grounding so I take it back." Mum said watching us.

Abe smiled as my face dropped. "It doesn't matter I have no intention of going. Besides I don't have a dress after-" I stopped myself before reliving all the events that happened after shopping.  "-After not being able to find one in my price range." I blurred out quickly.

The door bell sounded in a sweet musical song and I froze. "Alexa get the door for me please." mums voice sounded near the oven as she pulled something out to check it. I was expecting it to be Zander after today, and he was the last person I wanted to see behind the door. 

I walked over looking through the side window but didn't see anyone there. I looked harder and found a blue rectangular box sitting on the floor with a pretty silver ribbon wrapped around it. I opened the door and picked up the box. I looked around one last time hoping to see who left it but I couldn't see anyone. 

"Oooo what's that?" Alessia said with a odd smile. It almost looked like she was expecting it to arrive. I went to hand it to her but she smiled and pulled me up the stairs by my elbow and into my bedroom. Once the door was closed she said "I think it's for you.."

I was confused now, but decided to pull the pretty silver ribbon and take the rectangular lid off the box. There was pretty silver tissue paper hiding what lay beneath. On top of the paper was a note that had my name on it. As I turned it around, it read;

'My mother always taught me to say sorry with my heart and not my words. I hope my message is well received - Zander'

Alessia was smiling and I can't deny his gesture and note did have an effect on me. I may not have forgiven him but my anger was gone. As I moved apart each piece of tissue paper I gasped. 

"Oh my.. how did he.. there's no way.. he couldn't have!" I was a stuttering mess, unable to finish a full sentence. All I could see was the beautiful white dress Ella refused to sell me, and it sat shimmering beautifully in its box in front of me. It was the exact same dress as I got the same feeling from it, but the shimmering blue and purple wasn't visible right now for some reason.

"Girls foods ready! Come set the table please." My mother called out. 

"Hurry let's quickly wash up I'd hate to get on Elantra's bad side a second time today." Alessia stated while heading for the bathroom.

We washed up, set the table and all ate. We were talking to Abe about the girl he met. "Please mum I really don't want to have to leave this time. This is by far the nicest place we have been and all the people have been so welcoming."

"If by welcoming you mean sucking your face off on the bus, then yeah real welcoming." I said with a grin. My smirk dropped when I realised I was meant to go unnoticed that day.

"Brat! How would you even-" my brother looked at me sceptically.

"Oh, well.. I, I.." I began to stutter again. 

"One of our friends saw you and told us. We pointed you out in the crowd on the first day of school." Alessia saves the day. I sent her a thank you glance that I knew she would understand.

"So, why weren't you on the bus with Abe when he was getting his face sucked off?" Mum repeated scrunching her face up at her own words. Her threatening voice had us holding our tongue. Crap we might not survive the night, let alone make it to tomorrow's party.

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter next one makes up for it though! Xx

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