Chapter 18 - The Vampire Prince

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Vampire Prince's POV:

"Your majesty, Spike and your brother Ash are yet to arrive back. One of the others said they saw them go into the forbidden town." Those words sent instant fear through my veins and I vanished instantly. I could sense their location and appeared in the shadows.

"What trouble are you both getting into this time?" I said to by brother and his friend. "Were my instructions not clear enough? I said feed and erase memories not kill and play with your food." I then noticed the girl on the side due to the smell of blood that lingered everywhere. She smelt familiar. It was then I realised it was my mate that was dying. I had actually met her on her first day on the island and she actually sort me out by smell and realised she was my mate. I erased her memory of me as I knew her life would be in danger being mated to a vampire prince, now I realised I failed her anyway. Uncontrollable pain and anger overflowed throughout my body, I could feel my hands start shaking no matter how hard I tried to suppress it. That same night I had banned feeding on the island in an attempt to protect her but my brother lives for disobeying my orders and I ended up putting her in harms way. 

"Go home, now Spike!"  I ordered. I wanted a word with my brother quickly so I could try help my mate, if I wasn't too late. "Your majesty I cannot, I was promised her by Ash and a promise cannot be broken." he replied. We have a law that a promise must always be fulfilled which is why it is something us vampires rarely say. My brother on the other hand throws them around for unimportant things all the time. Before I knew it, Spike turned at the girl in front of him and his teeth started descending from his mouth. He looked at her briefly hoping to see fear in her eyes like all the rest but she had none. Her reaction took my mind off the current fear I had felt. He started feeding on her but after a mouthful he pushed her back and started choking. "What"... cough... "what did you just do to me?"

I noticed Ash watching her with confusion and with a small amused smile, I on the other hand was definitely intrigued and confused. Rather than running away she took one step towards him and punched him square in the face. I watched as she glowed so bright I had to step back. The light transferred from her skin to his and he burst into flames. "What on earth?" I heard my brother say with fear in his eyes. He looked at me and quickly fled the scene faster than I had ever seen him do before. I took that moment to walk over to my mate. "Alexa." Yelled the girl who was holding my mate.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Said Alexa. She just changed all the rules, this girl has power I have never seen before. "I mean no harm, and would like to try to save Alessia's life." I didn't wait for her reaction before grabbing Alessia and plunging my teeth into her neck in the only spot we use to mark our mate. I had no time to waste. I felt myself drain slightly and knew I didn't have a lot of time. I heard both girls gasp thinking I was trying to drain her, but then sigh in relieve when she took a breath.

"It's going to work but I need one full night and day with her before bringing her back or we will both die."

Alexa's POV:

I saw this new vampire and realised he was different from his friends. He was their leader, that much was clear, though he didn't seem to have control over the entire situation. He watched as one of his friends burned to ashes and yet he did not run like his friend Ash. Pffftt... what a coward. He was all talk and no play. His time will come. Instead this guy has the nerve to go over to Alessia's unconscious body. "I mean no harm and would like to try to save Alessia's life." He said.

That caught me off guard. How did he know her name. Then I remembered his reaction when he saw her covered in blood, it was evident he cares for her but that made no sense? How did he know her? He didn't even wait for me to reply as he picked Alessia up. I thought he was going to hug her but instead he bit her! I gasped in shock not just at what he did but where he did it.... Wait, why was I worried about where he bit her? It's like I knew that spot was important but still didn't fully understand why. I swear nothing is making sense to me lately. 

I saw him sway slightly then heard the best sound I'd ever heard. Alessia gasped for air all by herself. I sighed in relieve when she took a breath.

"It's going to work but I need one full night and day with her before bringing her back or we will both die."

As he spoke, I could feel that I could trust him. I walked over grabbed her phone out of her pocket and removed her lock-screen password so he could use it. "Here this is my name and number, I will cover for her for tonight and tomorrow but message or call me as soon as you can. If you don't, I will come for you."

He smiled at me even though I just threatened him and went to shake my hand.

"My name is Crim, prince of the Vampires, nice to meet you."

I looked at his hand unsure if I should touch him, in case he also burst into flames, but for some reason the weird hot and cold tingles were gone. I felt like it was the cause, so I placed my hand in his and said "Alexa, plain boring human, nice to meet you."

"Haha.. plain boring human that's a good one! I really have to go now but I 'promise' I will contact you when it's safe to do so." At the word promise I felt something heavy cling to my skin but shrugged off the feeling as I watched him disappear into thin air. At least that's what it looked like, in this dark gloomy alleyway 

I would have almost believed I had imagined the whole thing, if it wasn't for Ella still being here walking over to the pile of ashes kicking it. "Wow, I didn't see any of that coming... let me help you get cleaned up." said Ella.

"Do you think I can stay with you for the night, it's the only way my alibi will checkout as my mum and her mum are best friends and work together?"

"My house is a little crowded.. but we have a spare home near by that you can use, no one will even notice you're there."

"Great, thanks I owe you one!" I replied. Ella looked shocked for a second then recovered.

"I've never had a witch indebted to me before. We're going to be great friends." She said.

"Hahaha... I didn't realise you were a comedian. Just give me a second to call my brother and make sure my alibi is rock solid." I ended up calling Abe saying we met a friend from school and that Alessia and I were staying at her house for the night. I also told him that my phone was about to die and that I need him to tell mum for me so she doesn't worry. I knew coming from him meant mum would believe it, and I also knew he was too preoccupied with the girl he was with, to ask me questions. I turned off my phone and followed Ella to her spare house. Who has one of those anyway? I thought to myself.

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