Chapter 20 - A Long Day

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Alexa's POV:

I woke up to my phone alarm blaring beside me. As my eyes fluttered and adjusted to the harsh sunlight peering in through the window, I picked up my phone to turn off the alarm. It was Wednesday today. I struggled sleeping last night due to all of yesterday's events flashing on repeat through my mind. My thoughts lingered on Alessia, the blood, the vampires, the dress and Ella. For some reason she didn't seem to fear the vampires, the only fear she had in her eyes was fear for Alessia and I. There was something about her that told me I could trust her. A sixth sense or something I guess.

Last night I must have checked my phone at least a hundred times hoping to get an update about Alessia to no avail. I was also very jumpy which didn't help. Every time the door would creak or a branch would scratch against the glass window, I felt my heart rate skyrocket and my breathing cease. I would lay motionless listening for any unexplainable sounds or movement. What happened to no fear, I thought. Well that was while adrenaline and shock coursed through my veins. Now I'm just a weak human who found out there are vampires in the world waiting to sink their teeth into those less fortunate.

My eyes were burning both from the lack of sleep and the garlic that rested on the pillow beside me. I found some growing wild near the door and although I didn't believe it would do anything, on the odd chance it worked, I wasn't going to waste it.

My body felt drained and my neck was extremely painful today. I almost wasn't going to go to school today until I remembered I was Alessia's only alibi. I needed to be sneaky and find a way to mark her present on the roll, in all of her classes. I needed to show up as much as my body protested against it.

I looked into the bathroom mirror, my eyes were bloodshot and my face was pale. My necklace was what actually drew my attention as it no longer looked like it's usual shade of blue, but an orange colour. It almost looked like a warning of some sort, but that couldn't be the case it was just a necklace. If I wasn't so preoccupied with the pain in my neck and the throbbing in my head I would have spent longer examining it.

When I removed the bloody gauze that covered half of my neck, I noticed little black veins spreading from the two puncture wounds and black blood oozing slowly out of it. It had definitely looked better yesterday, but I didn't have time to ponder on it as I was running late for school.

I had a quick shower and redressed my wounds to make sure they wouldn't leak. I wore my hair down in waves which actually covered it quite well, hopefully no one would notice or question it.

Thankfully Ella left me another set of clothes on the kitchen counter with a note. I didn't notice it last night with all the tears in my eyes, before I headed to my room.

Hi Alexa,
I thought these clothes might come in handy for school and there is a perfume under them - trust me you should wear it today to cover the smell of blood. I'll meet you at your classroom and I'll be able to get you out as all the teachers like me. (Wink face)

On the back, Ella also left directions to the bus stop and said it was a thirty minute walk. Crap! I had twenty five minutes to get there. I quickly locked the doors and ran to the bus stop which took every drop of energy I had in me, which wasn't much. I happened to make it just as the bus came to a stop. 

I pulled my hood over my head to hide my face as much as possible and sat in a different spot so my brother wouldn't notice me. The last thing I needed was to be hounded with questions about last night. Abe always knew when I was lying. I messaged him and said my friend was dropping me straight off at school and I'll see him around. Well I wasn't completely lying as I planned on seeing him from afar and walking in the opposite direction. I groaned to myself. I really needed to go unnoticed today. That also meant sitting in the front so no one could see my face. 

My brother got on the bus at the last stop and sat straight down. I noticed a girl get up and sit beside him. "Oh hi Bella!" He gave her a kind smile and they animatedly talked and laughed and...kissed? Oh my god! He just kissed her. He recently agreed to stop leading anyone on, or break their heart knowing we would have to leave eventually, and here he is kissing a girl I've never seen before. 

It wasn't long until we arrived at the school. I also may have kept glancing at the empty few seats in the back of the bus as if the boys from the day before would magically appear. They didn't, but as I stepped out of the bus I noticed the outside of the school looked empty and all students seemed to stay quiet and stay out of each other's way for some reason. That was odd, I guess it won't be that hard going unnoticed after all.  

The first few classes dragged on mostly because I really couldn't concentrate on anything other than Alessia, the dress, vampires and Ella, a complete stranger who helped me when I needed it most. Someone who provided comfort and sympathy when I was trying so hard to be strong. 

Lunch had come around and I was starving. My stomach rumbled at the delicious smell of food. Unfortunately due to me rushing out this morning, I didn't get the chance to have breakfast or see if there was any food at the cabin I could take to school for lunch. I never brought money as I was always prepared, but I'm paying for it now. 

"Hey!" Someone said behind me. The voice sounded almost as tired as I felt, but still managed to send goose bumps down my spine. I turned around to see a very tired looking Zander, his brows drew closer to one another as he took in my appearance. "Oh, hi Zander." I said with a weak smile and voice. That was the first real smile I've made since everything had happened and it still looked forced because of the effort it took. 

He slid his plate of food over to me and gave me a smile back. "Here I have no appetite today and I could hear your stomach growling from across the school. Oh, and don't bother arguing with me, I won't take no for an answer even if I have to spoon feed you myself." He looked at me with a serious expression. Was he actually being serious? No one has ever cared this much about me apart from my brother, my mother, Wendy and Alessia who were all not here. 

"Thank you." I said with a genuine smile. One that almost reached my eyes. I was way too hungry to refuse food no matter how much my pride got hurt.

Zander watched me as I picked up the fork. As I placed the first mouthful of tortellini between my lips I couldn't hold back the quiet moan that escaped me. I closed my eyes savouring the taste, enjoying every second. I glanced at Zander and could have sworn his eyes turned black right before he closed his eyes taking a deep breath. I swallowed the mouthful but before I could go for another bite, an overwhelming feeling came over me like I was about to vomit. There was no other thoughts than to stand up and run to the nearest bathroom. 

I was so desperate to make it there and not embarrass myself, that I ran fast ignoring Zander's calls and my depleting energy. As soon as I slammed my shoulder into the girls bathroom door, the room spun and my vision blurred. Everything happened so fast I was unable to hold anything back any further. I began chucking up blood that was deep red almost black. That can't be good I thought to myself.

The straining of my muscles from throwing up also made the bite mark throb and burn so bad I passed out in the cubicle from the pain.

A/N: Any thoughts on what's going to happen next? Would love to hear from you. Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all for your support.

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