Chapter 42 - Jealousy

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Zander's POV:

When dad told me Derek and the rogue fought to the death I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Son, Derek lost, and the fight didn't last that long. I got to meet the new Alpha of Sharp Tooth and ran him through the basics. He told me he knew nothing about being a werewolf and said he had only just turned. He also said he wouldn't have bothered killing the last Alpha if he had known he would need to take his place."

Needless to say I was beyond shocked at his statement. Dad continued; "The new Alpha had a ridiculously long name I can't remember, so everyone started calling him Alpha A. I walked him through all the contracts and agreements. He was beyond shocked once he started seeing the island. He said he didn't even know witches existed after I explained everything to him.

"Alpha A mentioned he has now left a family behind and wanted to contact them, but I told him to think about everything first and get settled for a few weeks as you can't just tell anyone that werewolves exist and it wouldn't be easy to explain his disappearance. He now had a responsibility to his pack and that feeling will become instinct over the next few days."

This was just too much information all at once. "How did a wolf who had their first shift that night, win against an Alpha? It's probably a good thing in the long run, Derek was becoming a problem to his own pack, so they must be happy with the change even if it's a rookie who has taken over." I commented out loud.

Dad nods. "Son I think you're right, and I think it's time we announce your Alpha ceremony. Change is everywhere around us at the moment and I need you to take this week and maybe the next off school so we can prepare and hand everything over to you." Dad says before leaving to go to bed.

"Ed I need you to do me a favour." I ask through the mind link as I walk towards my room.

"Anything Alpha, what do you need?" replied Ed.

"Call me Zander until it's official Ed." I say for the hundredth time this week. "I'm going to be away from school for up to two weeks. I need you to bring any important assignments back for me to do when I get the chance, and I also need you to keep an eye on Alexa when you happen to be around her. You don't need to follow or stalk her but just pay extra attention to her when she's around school or near our pack lands. I can't get her out of my head and I know the only way I'll be able to concentrate on all my Alpha duties is if I at least know she is safe."

"Of course Zander. What are my orders if she's in trouble? And if I may ask, what are you planning on doing regarding your mate?"

"Well Ed, if she's in trouble follow her and try keep your distance. Only help if you think it's a life or death situation. I don't want her discovering wolves are real too early, if she's not yet ready for that information. Regarding my mate.." I sigh. "When I figure that out I'll let you know."

"Consider it done." Ed replies. A full week went by and Shadow has been driving me insane. His always angry and moody lately. He thought our mate would have come back to us by now. He is also angry that I can't seem to get Alexa out of my mind. He feels like my thoughts are betraying our mate. I had arranged for a search party to wonder around the pack lands and town area to see if they notice anything strange but they have all come back empty handed for a week. One full week and I have no news on my mate and Ed hasn't been giving me any useful information about what Alexa is doing or where she goes. He tells me all I need to know, is that she is ok.

"Zander something very strange has happened." Ed announces through the link around 8:30pm.

"Well what is it?" I ask concerned. "Is it my mate?"

"No it's Alexa, but I don't think you're going to like it. I am on my way to you, I heard you're in your room now." Ed says. My mind was coming up with ridiculous scenarios until Ed walked in. I motioned to the seat opposite my small desk and chair that sat against my right wall. I mainly use it for school work but this will do for now. As Ed took a seat, he fidgeted with his fingers as his hands sat on his lap. He did this when he was uncomfortable, so what ever it was I knew I wouldn't like it.

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