Chapter 44 - Flash The Cash

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Alexa's POV:

"Hey mum, I'm so sorry you waited up for me last night! The gym I go to made some renovations and have installed a cool spa and sauna so I was trying them out last night." I had to lie. I couldn't exactly say I was being stalked by a vampire who wants to mate with me and force me to have his babies. That would definitely cause us to relocate, although now that Zander and I haven't been talking in over a week I don't really have that much keeping me rooted.

"Are you forgetting about Alessia?" Glimmer asked me. "She is with Crim now and mating is for life. Trust me when I say, she will go wherever he goes. If we move we won't be able to see her, and we have never been apart for this long before."

I hadn't even thought about that. There is no way I will willingly be moving again. Maybe I can get a job somewhere and save up so I can have a place of my own?

"Its okay hunny and I'm sorry, I know I've been a little overbearing lately, I just don't want anything to happen to you." Mum says placing a kiss on my cheek.

"So how are you and Wendy going? I feel like it's been ages since I've seen you both together?" I ask mum.

"Wendy is going okay she keeps telling me that Abe will turn up when he's ready. I just wish he would at least call and let us know he is safe." Mum says sadly. I watch as tears well up in her eyes.

"Mum I'm not going anywhere." At my words I watch a stray tear fall from her eye and down her left cheek despite her trying to blink them away.

"Quick change the subject, I hate seeing mum like this." Glimmer says to me.

"In fact I like this town so much, I have made an important decision and would like your blessing. I have decided to look for work at least on weekends and after school and save up towards a place of my own. Maybe Alessia and I can move into together?"

"What?" Mum says laughing. "Oh, are you being serious? I wasn't planning on moving knowing Abe will have no way of contacting us, but I also don't want to stay here longer knowing how much has changed with you both." I watched the concern build in her eyes as she spoke.

"Well I guess we can cross that bridge when we get there, but I just wanted to share my thoughts with you." I say as I walk towards the front door.

"Oh hunny! Before I forget, our tickets are all booked for this Friday, it's you birthday weekend remember?"

"Mum, I know we always go there every year and it's amazing.. but it doesn't feel right to go without Abe. Sorry Mum I won't be going this year."

"No!" Mum shouted looking worried. "I mean- maybe Abe will meet us there, which is more reason to go. Besides I already bought all our tickets and told the airline to hold Abe's ticket and to make sure it's recorded on the system so he doesn't have any issues just in case."

"I don't know mum, I'll think about it." I replied closing the front door behind me.

I dashed out in my gym gear and running shoes deciding to go for a run today. I was feeling much more energetic for some reason. I ran on the side walk passing the occasional petrol station and milk bar. I ran all the way to town without stopping once. "What the..? how have I made it here so quickly?" I mumbled to myself.

"You're welcome!" Glimmer said.

"What do you mean? What did you do? I wasn't even paying attention."

"You forgot to put on the pendant this morning so I was able to lend you some of my speed and endurance without you noticing. We can run all the way back when you're ready."

"How is that even possible?" I ask unable to comprehend how this happened.

"Now that your human form is stronger it has helped make my form stronger too!" Glimmer said excitedly.

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