Chapter 53 - Fireworks

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Alexa's POV:

The sun had set when we left home and bid its farewell to the full moon as it rose proudly in a dark sky speckled with stars.

Peeling my thoughts away from the sight out the window of the cabin, I was reminded of my current situation and burning heat.

"Does everyone know who my mate is, apart from me?" I said in frustration as I stumbled off the couch landing on the hardwood floor. 

"I'll be out front Alexa, but you might have to sneak out back. I know I won't be able to hold him off for long!"

I stood up determined to move my legs. One step, then two.

"Where is she Ella!" I heard a sexy, deep animal like voice growl at Ella. His voice sounded distorted like he was struggling to make words and wasn't in full control of his voice. He sounded angry she was delaying him, and desperate to find me. "She is in heat! I could smell her a mile away."

The sound sent more of those cooling shivers down my legs and arms snapping me out of my pain induced haze for a brief moment. I managed to think clearly enough, to make it out the back door and began running towards the forest. My movements were slow and sloppy as I passed the pool and spa on my left. There was no time to wonder how cold the water might be against my skin as another loud crash sounded in the cabin. 

"He will figure it out fast, I don't remember closing the back door." Glimmers voice made an appearance after all this time.

I ran faster towards the dark treeline and made my way to a large wide tree casting shadows from the moonlight along the grassy floor. It's roots were large and descended deep into the nutrient rich soil below.

Silver rays of light pierced between the leaves and branches causing glowing streaks to shine on me and the ground below, adding just enough light to see my surroundings with my wolves eyes.

Another pain crashed through me, knowing I couldn't run anymore, I hid behind the tree as the searing heat and sharp stabbing pains bolted through me with a vengeance.

I gritted my teeth as I toppled forward clutching my stomach trying not to make a sound.

"Mate - I can smell you. Come out, come out, whereever you are.."

"Uuuhhh" a small breathy sigh betrayed me. It slipped through my lips, responding to his voice faster than I could process or stop it. Wait, maybe that was Glimmer. I could feel her stirring in my mind and see her swishing her tail around. She wants him to find us. "Traitor!" I growl at her through our mindlink.

"His our mate Alexa, stop fighting it, he can make it all better." She replied.

All of a sudden I see a fast blur appear in front of me. My eyes were still locked onto the ground. My hunched over position caused my sweat absorbed hair to cling to my face. My view was obstructed.

As I looked up slowly, I saw bare feet, strong calves, and thick cords of muscle for thighs. I wondered how hard they would feel against my finger tips and found myself wanting to squeeze them. I'd start with his firm legs and raise my hands to his round perky arse that hid from my view. 

"Uh!" I gasped and I felt the air escape my lungs as I realised he was fully naked. What shocked me most, was the small glimpse I got of his member.. boy was it huge! Not that I had seen one before but Alessia used to shove R rated magazines in my face at inappropriate times, just to get a reaction out of me. One time I was mopping the floor and slipped backwards falling flat on my arse! What was in front of me now, was bigger than anything I had seen in them before.

I felt myself blush still keeping my gaze low. My wet hair still clung to my forehead, lashes and cheeks. I realised he hadn't seen my face yet, when his right hand grabbed my chin and his left hand slipped onto my hip holding me against the tree. 

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