Chapter 60 - Revenge

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Alexa's POV:

There was an awkward silence between us, and what made it hard, was I wasn't facing him. My head rested against his chest and was beating faster than it had been earlier. What made me sure he knew what I was about to say, was the way his arms that wrapped around my waist tightened ever so slightly. There was no way I was ready to say those big words and I wasn't sure how long it would take until I was.

What I did know, is that it would happen eventually. "Alexa darling, it seems your sentence was left unfinished." Zander whispered in my ear.

"Oh was it? What I was trying to say is; At least I know what life feels like, to have friends who are like family. I'm not holding back as I once was." I tried my best to keep by breathing calm and my heart steady. I didn't want to give him any reason to believe I was lying. I began fanning myself as the familiar flames and stabbing pains began making themselves known. I hated this heat with a passion! Why didn't the guys go through any of it? The feeling of slow burning took over my body and began intensifying with every passing moment. 

Zander POV:

I was adamant she was about to say 'What it's like to have friends and fall in love.' Just the thought of her saying those words had my heart racing. Once she repeated the sentence slightly differently I listened to each beat of her heart and breath she took. There was no signs of her lying other than her perspiration, but that could also be caused by her heat. 

She began fanning herself and I noticed how her arms were now seeking any exposed area of skin on my body. Why didn't she just say she was in pain. She was too damn proud and stubborn to give in. I lifted her up by her waist until she stood on her two feet and turned her around. My arms grabbed her by her hips bringing her down into my lap. Her legs wrapped around me and she looked into my eyes.

"I know your heat has returned, why don't you just tell me what you want? Let me help make all the pain go away." I say to her.

The light blush that stained her cheeks was adorable. "I want you in as little clothes as possible."
She says biting the side of her lip. She took off my leather jacket and I lifted my T-shirt off. 

"Darling fair is fair, I've taken off two layers it's only fair you do the same." I say with a grin. Alexa stood back up, looking me in the eyes. Her reply sounded like a seductive song. "Whatever you say Alpha." 

Fuck! I don't know if it was her calling me Alpha and submitting to me, or the way she said it while grabbing her top and lifting it slowly over her head, but I was hard as a rock and my cock was painfully straining against my jeans. 

Her stomach looked smooth and tanned, her muscles defined and toned. I could see the changes in her body since I first met her. All her training at the gym must really be paying off. Not that I would have cared either way.

Her top caught below her large breasts causing Alexa to yank it up with force. Her light peach coloured lace bra was mostly see through but covered her nipples that I so desperately wanted in my mouth. Her fingers went to the button on her skirt. She turned away from me making me frown, but as she slid her skirt down and bent over I could see her matching lace underwear that only covered half of her plump cheeks. Her knees didn't bend. The realisation dawned on me. She was giving me a show, teasing me the way I teased her. 

A growl tore through my chest as Shadow fought for control. "Zander we need to complete the mating process! Alphas aren't meant to go slow. It goes against our very nature. I can't keep holding back." He growled at me.

"If you force her, we will lose her and she won't mark us back. We need to make her comfortable and make her want us as much as we want her." I reply still fighting for control. I was so busy fighting Shadow that I didn't realise she had knelt down in front of me watching my eyes flick back and forward between me and my wolf.

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