Chapter 79 - All That Sparkles

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**WARNING - Hot and steamy chapter**

Alexa's POV:

Zander's words, the predatory look he gave me, and the promise of what awaits had my heart racing. My sex was throbbing painfully and I knew the scent of my arousal was thick in the air.

We both had waited too long for this moment. A growl vibrated out of Zander's throat, and the sound of Shadow's deep husky voice filled my ears. His slow spoken words sounded more like growls as he struggled to remain in control. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly, causing it to creak as he drove.

"Mate.. you are lucky we are close to our destination, or I would have no issues parking here and taking you where you sit. I can smell how much you want us so let me assure you, nothing will stop us tonight."

The longing, lust and desire could be heard in each word he spoke. My core clenched in anticipation and my purple lacy underwater dampened with desire.

As the car rolled to a stop my eyes landed on the familiar clearing. It was the same clearing where Glimmer first lured Shadow to her, and happened to be close to the crystal cave just under the cliff.

It took me a few seconds to notice the air mattress that sat under soft blankets and plush pillows. Fake candles surrounded the bed in a circle adding a warm romantic glow to the atmosphere and a bunch or red roses sat between the paws of a small black plush wolf. It looked remarkably like Shadow with his bright blue eyes, though nothing could compare to the real thing.

"You can breathe now." Said Zander with a smirk playing on his lips. I was in such a state of awe I didn't realise I had held my breath. After a sharp inhale I turned to Zander and slammed my body flush against his. My arms wrapped around his neck instinctively as my lips crashed against his own.

I sent all my gratitude and desire into our passionate kiss. All this effort was such a kind gesture and I intend to show him just how happy he makes me.

Zander's POV:

Decorating the area worked out better than I thought. I felt all of her sexy curves pressed against me as she kissed me with such passion. She pulled away just enough to catch her breath as I used that moment to place her on the bed.

"I guess now is as good a time as any." Shadow said to me with a nervous swish of his tail.

I reached into my left pocket and pulled out a little black box. I got down on one knee and opened the box revealing a tear drop diamond ring. The large diamond sparkled under the silver moonlight and reflected off the warm candlelight casting shimmering light against our face and clothes. I watched as Alexa's eyes widened and a gasp left her beautiful plump lips.

"Alexa you are the love of my life, and my mate. I don't want to be away from you for even a second. These past few weeks have been so hard, but as hard as everything may get in the future, I know as long as we are together we can get through anything. You give my life purpose and make me a better man. I know wolves don't usually get married but up until a few months ago you thought you were human. You're so special and I would do anything to make you happy. Will you do me the incredible honour of becoming my wife?"

A silence filled the clearing for what felt like a lifetime but was only a few seconds. All that could be heard was the sounds of crickets in the distance and the fast flutter of our hearts.

"Zander.. Yes! Of course I will. I love you so much. You have been so unbelievably patient and understanding through everything." I smile before sliding the ring on her finger. "Make me yours forever. Mark me Zander."

At her last three words, any restraint I held onto snapped like a dry twig beneath my feet.
I climbed onto the bed on all fours as she slid higher up the bed moving the roses and stuffed wolf to the ground.

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