Chapter 56 - Chosen One

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Alexa's POV:

Jax's last words were all it took for Glimmer to make an appearance. She was beyond angry and so was I. With the last of my strength, my eyes shone brightly with the silver rainbow eyes of my wolf. My Alpha aura slowly radiated from my body. My skin had a glow to it and I felt hot with rage.

What I didn't expect was the smell of burning flesh and Jax's eyes to widened in fear. He retracted his hand from my throat swiftly allowing me to gasp for air in the process.

My gaze landed on his arms and palm where my hands and throat had touched him. They were bloody and blistered and the hairs on his arms curled and singed.

I stood up after a short coughing fit looking at a very shocked looking Jax. It was then I decided not to hold back our Alpha aura anymore. He needed to be put in his place. It was the first time I welcomed it fully. I felt it originate in my chest, and allowed it to expand though every limb. The thick powerful waves were pulsing in the air surrounding me. Buzzing in my ear as it continued to grow until it covered the grounds and soared high into the atmosphere.

"Submit to me." I commanded looking Jax in the eyes. Glimmers voice deeper than mine. My voice held power and a promise of danger.

He fell to his knees and fought slightly for control. He bared his neck in submission after a mere five seconds. I was waiting for Ella to announce me the winner but she never spoke.

I looked to my right to see everyone on their knees with their throats exposed. Everyone except for mum as she didn't have a wolf, and Zander who was shaking, fighting the command. I realised then he felt pain. Glimmer instantly reigned in our power.

She was whimpering at the thought of hurting Zander. I ran over to him gently placing my hand on his arm in case it started to burn him too. "I'm so sorry I'm still new at this, I wasn't trying to hurt anyone." I said desperately hoping Zander understood my guilt.

Zander's lips began to curve up in a slow cocky smirk. "That's my Luna! Sexy and strong. I'm so proud of you!" He said as his lips crashed onto mine. His words warmed me, before we shared a heated, passionate kiss. His hands gripped my waist and sent sparks speeding across my skin as our lips moved in sync. Our tongues fought for dominance but it was one battle I was happy to lose.

"Wooohooo!" Ed shouted and we
both froze completely forgetting we had an audience. It was too easy to get lost in the mate bond.

Once my eyes scanned the faces of our family and friends I felt the blush override my face and neck. "That was incredible! You have a wolf and she kicks arse!" Ed shouted proudly. "Your eyes are incredible too! They look like the moon! I knew it was smart to side with you!"

Jax frowned at his best friends comment and took slow calculated steps towards me. "I deserved that. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for disrespecting and underestimating you. You are the strongest Luna I have ever met."

Something about the honesty and guilt in his voice set my next move in motion. I grabbed his lower arm and felt him pull away instantly. I held on tight and inspected his arm knowing I now wasn't burning him at this moment. I watched as his blisters slowly began reducing in size as the dark markings from my hands began to fade. "I'm sorry I burnt you. It wasn't intentional."

Zander approached us frowning. "This isn't the first time this has happened." He stated with a knowing look in his eyes.

Alessia gasped as her hand flew over her mouth. "Alexa told you about the lake?" She asked in disbelief. I shot her a glare knowing I never told Zander. There was also our parents here still watching and listening intently.

"What lake?" Zander was now looking at me curiously. "I was talking about last night after our.. time together." He trailed off awkwardly.

It was my turn to look at him in shock. "Did I do something to hurt you?" Worry and guilt consumed me as I looked him over.

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