Chapter 14 - Blood Of An Alpha

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***Trigger Warning***
Small amount of violence

Zander's POV:

The four of us sat in silence. Dad, Jax, Ed and I went over the dream and events that happened over and over again. This situation just felt bigger than us. No one had any idea how to fight something we could not see or something we didn't know anything about.

I released a sigh as I realised I had to tell them. I really didn't want my dad finding out this way and I knew what I was about to say would spark an unwanted conversation, however if there was even the slightest of chances it made a difference to what we knew, I'd have to just come clean. The packs safety is at risk, and that needs to come first. "Okay so there was something else about the dream that I didn't tell you." I admitted.

"What?" All three of them yell out, but my dads wolf made an appearance I couldn't miss. The anger and disappointment in his eyes and voice was overwhelming.

"Why did you keep something from us in the first place? Tell me everything now!" My dad used Alpha command. It's been a long time since his used it on anyone especially me. I knew he was beyond angry, not to mention I've broken his trust by not telling him all the details.

No one can refuse an Alpha command, unless they are an Alpha or a Luna or someone who possesses as much power. If they are weaker than the Alpha or lower in rank, they will experience excruciating pain and feel like they are suffocating until they begin following the command. If they fight it or avoid answering truthfully the pain intensifies. I didn't fight the command or hesitate telling him the truth, so I felt nothing. The last thing I wanted was for my father not to trust me.

"The part I left out was the image of the girl. The only reason I didn't tell you before was because I didn't think it would matter and knew it would sound crazy. I also wanted to protect her from possible unnecessary involvement or harm." At this honesty my father visibly relaxed, and the anger and frustration that was thick in the room, thinned out. He nodded for me to continue.

"Well.. she's human. Alexa is her name although in this 'dream' she had different features. It took me a while to make the connection between the two. She was angelic but instead of her brown hair and dull grey eyes she had long silvery white hair, with a rainbow shimmer that moved around her silhouette. If I had seen her before meeting Alexa I would have imagined her to be the moon goddess herself. The best part were her eyes. They were glowing so brightly I thought I was looking into the full moon with double vision. At closer inspection she had the same rainbow colour strands shimmering in her irises, but it's only visible if you're close enough to see it." I knew I had a dreamy look on my face as I described her, letting the image of her seer into my very soul.

"What?!? Jax and Ed yelled out. Understanding crossed their faces as they realised why I left that part out.

"See Zander, I knew she was special! Oh and Alpha, I think Zander is in love." Ed so helpfully added with a grin, wagging his eyebrows up and down looking my way. I responded with a glare of my own not enjoying how much Ed was enjoying this.

My father stood instantly at this information, resting both his hands on his desk. "What? You found your mate? Why am I only hearing about this now?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose before answering. "Because she's not my mate." I gritted the words out like they were acid on my tongue. Just admitting that out loud felt painful and had Shadow growling and snapping his teeth at me angrily. His reaction was strange considering he knew there was no mate bond there.

At my fathers confused expression, Ed continued. "Well we're actually not 100% sure of that either yet Alpha. Zander can't smell her any different to any other human and she says she is eighteen but..."

"No buts, if she's eighteen and your wolf can't identify her smell, you are to stay away from her." At his words I felt a boiling hot anger surge in my chest but did my best to control myself. I knew what he was saying made sense but Shadow and I struggled accepting this information. "A human cannot be Luna! They are never gifted as a mate to an Alpha as they lack the power and authority it takes to be one. You are to stay away from her! My father let some command slip out as he spoke his last words.

Shadow rushes forward with unbelievable speed and power, so much so, that I could do nothing to stop it. He grabbed my father by his throat holding him high against the back wall behind his chair. My claws embedded themselves into the plaster on either side of his neck.

Ed and Jax must have been stunned for a few seconds as I heard no movement from them. Nothing other than their frantic beating hearts. My fathers wolf growled in outrage as his eyes glowed. He plunged his claws into my shoulders putting more force into the Alpha command as he spoke to me through the mindlink. I guess he couldn't talk through me squeezing his throat.

"Shadow, you will not see her again until I say otherwise. Now release me, that is an order!"

I was waiting for the unbelievable pain as Shadow refused to submit to my fathers command, but it never came. Instead Shadow took in a big breath and let out an earth shaking howl. It was so loud as it echoed through the house, the walls and the floor began to shake. Jax and Ed had stood and were about to pull me off my father before they heard it. Next thing I know, they are down on one knee with the heads lowered to the side. They were submitting to me. Wait, no.. now they are in wolf form submitting to Shadow. I used that moment of distraction to reign control of my body. My claws retracted and I let go of my father watching his feet fall towards the ground. I couldn't look him in the eyes, knowing I did that to him, so I turned around and sat back in my seat with my eyes lowered in shame and disgust, still trying to understand what had just happened.

I've never attacked or challenged my father before. I love him with all my heart and Shadow normally agrees with everything my father says. I've never felt Shadow force a control so quickly, and I knew I wouldn't have been able to stop it if I tried. That scared the crap out of me as I realised what this meant.

My mother suddenly barges through the closed door, panic clear on her face. Her eyes move to my father standing there motionless against the wall looking shocked, then to the holes on the wall where my claw marks sat. Plaster particles covered my fathers shoulders like snowflakes. After a moment her eyes snap to my Beta and Gamma who were on the floor in their wolf forms submitting to me. Lastly her gaze fell towards my sitting position. I could see mostly through my peripheral vision however I kept my eyes fixed on the floor. She gasped quietly as her hand covered her mouth as the pieces finally clicked together like a giant jigsaw puzzle.

"Everyone.. come in the kitchen I think we all need some tea and coffee, it's going to be a long night." Mum spoke with a sad smile then walked out the door. There was no anger in her voice which surprised me. There was always something calming about my mum. I really needed her in that moment but I also needed to stay strong. Now was not the time to be weak, besides I'm sure Shadow wouldn't allow it anyway. He was standing proudly in my mind just watching through my eyes. I didn't say a word to him. How could I when I was still in so much shock.

Everyone quietly made there way out after I left the room to follow mum. No one spoke as they steadily descended the staircase looking just as shocked as I felt. My father approached me at the counter in the kitchen where I sat. To my surprise he didn't look mad, just confused. I could only see him from the corner of my eye though, as I couldn't find it in me to face him. How could I?

"Son, look at me please." Dad hardly says please. He gently grabs my chin lifting my face until our eyes connect. I'm sure he could see the pain and the shame in my eyes as I saw his soften.

"Son, I am unharmed and I am not angry. What just happened was a show of dominance by your wolf due to his unwillingness to submit to his Alpha. It is not a bad thing, it was actually inevitable." Dads comment surprised me. "I'm actually surprised it took you this long. Shadow is substantially more powerful than I am now, and as such he has made it clear he will not follow my orders. There can only be one Alpha, so this can only mean one thing.... we fight to the death."

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