Chapter 89 - Funeral

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Alexa's POV:

I took a bite of the roast not at all liking its taste. Everything tasted like ash in my mouth. Like the image of bloody burnt flesh that kept lingering clear in my memory.

As I forced my throat to swallow I tried to ignore the flipping and somersaulting my stomach did. Most likely caused by the images flashing behind my eyes. "You do whatever you need to do. Once I'm asleep I doubt even a earthquake will wake me up."

Zander reached for the fork stabbing another piece of the bloody and ash tasting chicken bringing it to my lips. As the smell hit my nose and the white flesh touched my lips, I was unable to stop my reaction. I sprung up from the couch, bolting towards the bathroom. I heaved and heaved until all I could taste was bile, bitter and acidic as it rose from my throat and coated my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

I wiped my lips and brushed my teeth, before sipping on some water that Zander placed in a glass on the vanity. The worry coming through the bond was strong. I felt guilty for worrying Zander when he already has so much on his plate. Our pack, the upcoming war, me, my mums death and helping out Abe's pack. Zander was biting off more than he could chew, but kept biting if it meant helping those he loves. 

"Zander, I promise I'm okay. In case you haven't noticed it's been a very hard day and I'm pretty sure not wanting to eat for a day or even a few, isn't going to kill me. Thank you for everything you've done for me, I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Not just today, but everyday." 

"You don't need to thank me, you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I just hope you know it's okay to lean on someone. To lean on me, as much as you need. You'll always come first darling, and I'm here for you every step of the of the way." 

The first two hours was all I had until nightmare after nightmare had me coated in sweat and gasping for air. I decided to refrain from sleep and used my time to slowly get ready for the early morning funerals. 

Ella came prepared even though we had no intention of staying, she said she always brings two days worth of clothes everywhere just in case. I wore a knee length black dress that had lace sleeves and looked very suited for the funeral.

Ella's dress was dark grey and a little shorter but suitable. My wavy silver hair hung loosely, framing my face. Anything to help hide the raw puffy skin concealing my eyes. 

We walked along the path, past the lake that housed the willow trees. This time the branches dragged their leaves along the surface of the water looking sad and gloomy.

Clouds hid the sunrise still making it feel somewhat dark as pack members huddled around the waters edge. As we got closer I saw four wooden boats resting in the muddy edge of the lake. On top of three, sat three bodies wrapped in white sheets with a picture frame at the end of the boat.

On the left a woman with kind eyes, in the middle a warrior I didn't know, next to him was a picture of the little boy who's eyes once looked full of life, and beside him was the picture of my mother. Besides each picture sat a lantern, it's flames the main source of light.

Abe stood in the centre of the clearing and gave a small speech. A representative from each family stepped forward and said something about the person they lost before they bid them farewell.

Once one person finished, the boat was pushed into the water drifting into the centre of the lake. Abe said something short and sweet about mum and pushed the boat into the water. The last person to speak was the little boys mother. She choked on her words and couldn't hold back her tears. I noticed Allison approach her. Drake took a step towards me explaining that they had been best friends. 

Allison chose to speak to help out the boys mother. "When I first started school I had no one to play with. Tommy was the first one to sit with me and share his toys. Since then we were always close. He would tell me how much he couldn't wait to meet his wolf and how awesome and strong he will be. When I broke my arm a few months ago, he saw the wolf on my plaster that Alexa drew. He said one day well both leave the pack and search for the blue wolf. When we find it, it will bless us with anything our heart desires."

Allison's tears began to fall but her voice held strong. "Tommy, I promise you when I see that wolf, I'm going to ask it to find you and make sure that you're with the moon goddess and are happy. That is my only wish." 

As my own tears began to fall I felt a hand squeeze my own. I would have assumed it was Zander but there were no sparks, only a familiar scent. I turned and came face to face with Alessia's sad smile.

"You know now is not the time for your questions. I know what you really want to do. Envision the wolf. I will say the spell you have yet to learn, I can make it look like a projection." I accepted Alessia's words and let my burning questions die on my tongue. She was right, now was not the time.

I closed my eyes and pictured the blue wolf. It was translucent with a darker blue outline and features. It was large with a bushy tail and stood tall. I imagined its strength and felt my magic hum in response to my emotions.

I released just enough magic to mix with Alessia's spell and only opened my eyes once Alessia's words stopped. The beautiful wolf stood tall behind Allison and an audible gasp sounded by the crowd.

Allison and Tommy's mother turned at the same time to see the magical blue wolf bowing down to them standing on the waters surface. Abe approached and asked if it could push the boat into the water, and light the boats on fire. 

"Alexa, all I'm doing is projecting the image you have in your head, but look at its feet... you're controlling it." Alessia's words surprised me. When I looked at the wolves feet I could see ripples in the water where it touched. The wolves eyes solely on Allison. "It should only have been a still projection how are you doing that?"

That means it wasn't just an image but a physical force. "I... don't know. I think I can push the boat and light the fire. You just keep the image strong."

As I imagined the wolf moving, it followed my command. It pushed its head gently against Allison's hand and watched her stumble back in shock. He crouched down low patiently awaiting for Allison to climb on top. Her eyes widened and she looked at Tommy's mum who had the most beautiful smile on her face and tears streaming down her eyes. 

As soon as Allison held on tightly, the wolf pushed the boat into the water. You could see the lanterns and picture frames like a haze through the wolves body as it leaped around the four boats. Although the wolf was a physical force it's feet never sunk below the surface of the lake.

Once it stood a few feet away facing the boats he let out a loud howl. I didn't actually expect to be able to hear it, but I could. I had no idea what I was doing but whatever it was, was incredible. I imagined blue flame emerging from its mouth in short bursts and watched as the boats caught fire. 

Everyone just stood there in awe before saying there final goodbyes. The blue wolf walked onto the lakes edge and lowered itself to allow Allison to get off its back. With my last bit of magic the wolf rubbed its head on Tommy's mums hand, then licked her face before disappearing.

"I'm so proud of you." Alessia spoke through our mind link, sounding chocked up. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you yesterday. Every vision I had that involved me being there always ended up with more people dying. They don't know about Mum and I, and if they did she would always die around a week later. I also couldn't warn you as it would then lead to the others dying in her place. Please don't hate me." A tear slipped from her eyes filled with genuine anguish.

"I understand. I was running through so many possible scenarios in my head last night, and knowing what was going to happen wouldn't have made me want to sacrifice anyone else's life or be responsible for others deaths. Four innocent deaths are already four too many." I replied before watching her disappear in Crim's familiar ball of smoke. 

Shortly afterwards we all stopped for breakfast. Zander didn't bother pushing me to eat this morning, though I did manage to eat a few bites of fruit, feeling slightly better than last night. 

It wasn't long until we made our way back home preparing for another stressful day. Jax, Ella, and Ed following in the car close behind.

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