Chapter 15 - Spy

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Zander's POV:

"We fight to the death."

"What?" Ed shrieked standing up from his chair. His voice went up a few octaves. His eyes frantically looking at my dad and I, then back at me as if we were playing a match of table tennis.

"Don't be so dramatic dad! We both know you were planning on stepping down soon and handing the title to me anyway. No need to scare poor Ed half to death." I say with a snort at Ed's behaviour. "It's really nice to know you care so much." Ed let out a sigh of relief and sat back down, as Jax sat beside me chuckling.

Ed cleared his throat wanting to speak but unsure if now was the right time. I gave him a smile and a nod. "Alpha, um I mean.. Mike... um.... I mean sir?" Poor Ed was rambling unsure how to direct his words to my father. Jax just laughed again, this time behind his hand. As amusing as this was, I did my best to keep an emotionless mask. As Jax continued making faces trying to hold in his laughter, it wasn't long until we all began laughing at the incredible awkwardness that hung thick in the air.

"Mike or Sir is fine with me when it's just us, but until the title is officially handed over, you will address me as Alpha in front of the pack." My father said with a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Thank you Sir Mike." Ed stated. Jax snorts shaking his head, but Ed ignores him before continuing.

"What I wanted to say before everything turned to crap.. I mean unexpected chaos." Ed says sending an apologetic glance towards my mother. "Was that although Zander can't smell her scent any different and although she is assumed to be eighteen, the other things happening are too strange to be a coincidence, or to be ignored." Everyone was intently listening to Ed. "Shadow and Zander have taken a strong liking to Alexa. She has put both your sons in their places within the first hour of being at school and doesn't even seem slightly fazed by any confrontation by either of them. I don't know any human not intimidated by a werewolf especially ones with alpha blood. I don't know about you, but this came as a surprise to me."

My father nods thoughtfully, and seemed impressed by what Ed had said. Ed continues; "If you add all the facts of what happened yesterday, it leaves us with more questions than answers. Firstly, we don't actually know her birthday so she could have rounded up. Secondly, Zander hasn't had the chance to touch her yet. Zander and Shadow are also acting protective and jealous around her, which is something we only see between mates. Zander almost lost control in the middle of class when Jax spoke bad of Alexa. They both have chemistry, and then there is Zander's strange dream with the evil witch. Oh and don't forget that Shadow disobeyed a direct order to stay away from Alexa, and chose that moment to exert his true power and dominance, making him the new Alpha. Do I need to go on?" Ed says breathlessly after his constant rambling.

My father looked a little taken aback trying to digest all the information. "Firstly, his not the new Alpha officially.. yet. We will hold a ceremony next weekend as I'll need time to prepare. Secondly, I have to agree with you Ed, there is quite a long list of coincidences for your first day meeting her. I however have another reason to believe there is more to her than meets the eye. I believe she may be the chosen one." My dads words take us all by surprise, guess there is a lot of that going around today.

"Okay guys, I think we are all making no sense anymore and that maybe we should take some deep breaths and go to bed." Jax intercepted dad unable to comprehend the amount of life changing information being absorbed by his little brain in such a small amount of time.

"Just hear me out and then we'll all try get some sleep." My father replied sympathetically as mum handed us all a cup of tea or coffee. "Grandpa when he was alive, used to go on about some prophecy that Lucy once told him about. One of Lucy's acquaintances had an ability that allowed her to see parts of the future and prophecies. Most witch's practice light and dark magic and they all usually have to tap into their power somehow using objects or the elements, so when a witch with this ability is born it is celebrated as their power comes to them unintentionally and subconsciously. Sadly we never wrote the prophecy down." He said with a mumble. "There was only a small part of it that I remember to this day. I remembered it once Zander mentioned Alexa's eyes in the dream. Well, now I'm sure it makes complete sense."

"Well dad, I'm glad some of this makes sense to you because I've never been more confused in my life." Jax groans with his head in his hands, tugging at his hair. I on the other hand was beyond intrigued. I was listening with an open mind trying to store as much information as possible into memory.

Dad continued speaking after a sip of his coffee. "The start and ending is all I remember and it goes like this...

"The darkest of hours, during the red change of tides, Only the first of two shall possess great power and rise. With eyes so bright, like the light from the moon...."

"So that's the start I take it?" Ed asked when dad had paused for effect. Dad nodded.

"Then the ending: She mustn't fail or the world will be put to eternal rest."

We all sat quietly wondering all the meanings. The only part I understood was 'her eyes so bright like the light of the moon.'

"Come on boys it's not that hard to figure out." Mum approached us and leaned on the counter before continuing. "The darkest hour is midnight, the red change of tides... I believe refers to the blood moon that occurs once every 1000 years and just so happens to have occurred almost eighteen years ago on the fifth of May. I remember that day because it was such a big deal at the time, and the whole town stayed up celebrating under the red moonlight. Then of course the ending is quite self explanatory, if she fails we all die." Mum says with a shrug like it was no big deal. My father approached mum with a hug from behind and placed a small kiss on her cheek.

"I'll call one of the teachers from the school on Tuesday when he returns from his holidays. We will get the girls birthday and background information and we can take it from there if you can't. Until then, I suggest we get some sleep. Goodnight everyone." My father called out while leading mum up the stairs to their room.

"The 'girls' name is Alexa!" I growled under my breath.

"Well, that was 'almost' the most shocking thing I've seen all day! Oh, and congrats Alpha, impressive howl, I didn't know you had it in you!" Jax, Ed and I all turned towards the voice, and only then noticed my sister Ella quietly watching us from the dining table sitting in the dark.

"When did you even sneak in here?" Ed says with and impressed tone.

"Firstly, I do not sneak... secondly I was here before you all, sitting in the dark minding my own business. Then I heard all hell breaking loose and was too frozen in shock to move. Next thing I know you all came in the kitchen talking about fighting to the death... it just didn't seem like a good time to say hi." My sister Ella said with a shrug.

"You also knew the conversation would stop if you interrupted and wanted to hear as much as possible." Jax gives Ella an accusing glare...

"I'm not the only one with alpha blood, so shouldn't you have been able to smell me in here?" Ella scoffed getting under Jax skin. "All that training to be the head warrior, Alpha and Beta and you can't even tell when your sister is in the same room." Ella mocked, and knew exactly what buttons to press.

"Well maybe you can come sign up to our self defence class tomorrow that I'm running at the school, and we will see who has the last laugh." Jax said in a daring tone.

"Alright you two calm down.." I said feeling much to exhausted to be listening to my two siblings bicker.

"You're right big brother, no need to get worked up. Well good luck trusting some random girl to save the world, I look forward to meeting her one day." Ella said with a wink walking towards the stairs.

"Wait! You said this was 'almost' the most shocking thing you've seen today? What did you mean by that?" Ed questioned.

"Geez you really don't miss much Ed. You really are the brains of the group." Ella turned around as she began ascending the stairs before continuing. "Thats right, I'm pretty sure I met a witch today, and she had the most interesting grey eyes. Goodnight."

The look on our faces must have been priceless. We haven't had a witch in our parts since Lucy. Ella was right that was just as much a big deal, if not more than me challenging dad to become Alpha.

A/N: If you liked this chapter, please vote,comment, share/ follow. It would mean the world to me. Thank you! xx

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