Chapter 100 - New Pack Member

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While I waited, I asked Max if he officially wanted to be part of the pack. I reminded him of the battle fast approaching but promised he would be somewhere far away and kept safe.

He looked at Ella before replying. "I.. wouldn't want to hold anyone back or get in anyone's-" before Max could finish speaking Ella knelt down to his level and asked him if she could adopt him.

His eyes widened and I watched as he crumbled to the ground crying. His head was tucked in his arms that rested on his knees and his shoulders shook from the action. It didn't take long for Ella and I to join in on the water works.

"I'm pretty sure this patch of grass has been watered enough for a week." Zander walked over and said mockingly.

"I'm afraid unless you want a big scary alpha joining in, you're all going to have to try and take some deep breaths. Alexa's feelings are hitting me pretty hard right now, making even me want to cry." Zander's words made us all laugh. I watched as Zander held his hand out towards Max.

"Welcome to the pack Sumi!" Zander said with a smile.

"Uh Alpha, you can all call me Max."

"Oh! Finally!" Ella breathed out a breath of relief earning a confused look from Zander. "Sorry Max but I was so scared of saying it wrong or mixing it up. I didn't want to disappoint you and break your trust." Ella declared while I filled Zander in through our mind link.

Zander made quick work with initiating Max into our pack. Max didn't want a big deal or huge crowd around so Zander just mind linked the pack beforehand so they were expecting it and understood the unique situation.

An hour passed before the four of us made our way to the pack hospital for our ultrasound. I made it clear that I didn't want a big deal and just wanted it to be a quick scan.

The truth was I was scared to get attached to her, only to have to say goodbye. I laid on the bed as Zander sat beside me holding my hand. Ella and Max were in two chairs behind Zander looking at a big screen hung on the wall in front of me and to their left.

Areal was the one in charge of the scan. It was her final placement so they let her have the reigns. After brief introductions between Max and Areal, she squeezed the warm lubricant onto my bloated looking tummy and began the scan.

At first I avoided the screen until I sensed Zander's worry through our bond. He gave my hand a light squeeze, and as I turned to face him, that's when I saw the little black and white image on the screen kicking and moving.

My breathing hitched and the ice wall I had constructed around my heart, began to thaw. What made it melt completely was the fast pitter-patter of our babies heartbeat. A sound I wanted to record but knew it was one that would be etched into my very soul. One I would never forget.

Areal smiled at us. "Baby looks healthy! I know we don't normally ask this to Alphas however it is routine I do so anyway, would you like me to look at the gender?"

Zander gave me an amused smile before answering. "Sure."

"Thanks Alpha, As expected you're lucky parents to a.." as Areal dragged on her words while zooming into the correct angle she gasped. "Oh! That can't be. I think I may need a second opinion. I must be reading the scan wrong."

"Trust in yourself. What do you see Areal?" I asked, giving her a kind smile.

"I..I see a girl." She said with wide eyes.

"Then you are correct Areal. Thank you so much." I say genuinely feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

We had left the hospital and began making our way towards the mansion when I head Glimmers voice. "There is no way we are dying Alexa, I don't care what look we saw in Alessia eyes. We have one thing that the evil witch does not. People to fight for. We will fight for our daughter and for the world, and we will win." Glimmers words with the memory of our little girl, swirled together until it fueled me with a fresh sense of determination. It wasn't a determination to want to kill but one that wanted to love and heal.

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