Chapter 37 - Black as The Night

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Alexa's POV:

"How about I make you a deal?" I said now gazing into his beautiful blue orbs. "How about I ask you no questions about.. you're eyes.. and you ask me no questions about last night?"

He looked surprised by my statement then furrowed his brows as if wanting to know my whereabouts pretty badly. He decided to accept my proposal in the end. Ella laughed behind the register at our uncomfortable encounter. She was enjoying this and for some reason I felt she was behind it.

"Ella told me you were okay but didn't want to tell me anything else so I came here to persuade her otherwise, then I saw you and-"

Ella laughed again, then grabbed her keys and turned the sign on the shop door to 'closed.'

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Well, I assumed you may want me to accompany you on the drive?"

"Definitely not, I am more than capable of taking her anywhere she wants to go." Zander said frowning at his sister for some reason.

"Capable yes - but did you ask Alexa if she wanted her mum to see her in a car with some boy, or with the friends she stayed with last night?"

"Yes! Please come along Ella!" I practically grabbed her arms and dragged her along and then stopped suddenly causing Zander to bump into me. His face looked disappointed for some reason. It was just a bump I thought to myself.

I looked up into his eyes with a serious face and asked; "Did you end up finding my brother Abe last night? Is he okay?

Ella spoke next. "I'm so sorry Alexa.." her eyes and expression held sadness. I could see tears gather trying desperately not to betray her.

"What.. No he can't be dead!" I yelled. My eyes widened with panic as my hands began to shake.

"Oh no darling" Zander engulfed me in his arms. "He is not dead, at least we don't think he is, but he is still missing. I do however have my own search party looking for him as we speak and I am confident they will be able to find him very soon." He said while running his hand down my hair and up my back in a soothing motion. He was providing me a comfort I didn't know I needed, and when he finally let go I felt hollow and empty. 

Zander's POV:

When Ella called me and told me Alexa turned up and was safe, I asked her all sorts of questions that she avoided answering. She just kept saying "sorry I can't say." I realised she was keeping something from me and I needed to know what happened to Alexa last night.  Deep down I think Shadow and I were hoping she might be our mystery mate. It was a coincidence that she went missing around the time we had two rogues on our land. Sure the first rogue appeared while she was still with me but it was nice to hope.

I finally arrived at Ella's clothing store, and as I opened the door I saw Alexa but it didn't look like Alexa. She normally wore hoodies, jeans and long sleeve tops with running shoes. I hardly see her dolled up, apart from the party last night. She looked beautiful and sexy all at the same time.

As I took in her appearance, Shadow decided to look through my eyes. We looked at our handy work on her neck from the night before and if it wasn't for my wolves eyes I wouldn't have been able to fully appreciate the hickeys I left her. Just thinking about our encounter made my cock twitch.

My eyes began to wonder down the very low neckline and I could see a black lace bra and smooth perky cleavage waiting for me to squeeze. Shadow was enjoying everything he was seeing. I noticed a change in her expressions. She was confused maybe even curious at something.

"Oh no, she saw me Zander!" Shadows words rang out in my mind as I realised Shadow came forward to look at her hickeys and stayed there without me realising. She could see us. She hasn't been told anything about us, why hasn't she screamed or ran out of here?

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