Chapter 110 - Twilight

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Alexa's POV:

It felt weird to thank Ash for helping us, even though he refused to take part in the war, he still gave us the rough time of attack and opened our eyes to a traitor residing in our own pack. The Eclipse would happen exactly two hours after twilight. I took Ash's advice and placed a spell over me to hide my pregnant belly. I found using my magic was like second nature now. Always there when I needed it most.

Despite the beautiful shades of orange, pink and blue that the fading sun left behind, there was a chill in the air well before the sun had set. The hairs on my arms were raised and my heart thumped faster in anticipation.

I looked around at all the men and woman who had chosen to fight. They stood proudly in their new purple armour and were told about the spikes filled with silver on their backs. Ella injected each warrior with a special antidote so the wolfsbane armour wouldn't effect them. There was exactly seven hundred of us ready to fight.

The children, elderly, injured, and a few nurses had already been taken to the safe house that was hidden in the cave walls where the beach entrance was. Mike and Vivian were there also, and acted as protection incase any foe  happened to gain access. We got them there early as we didn't know which direction the witch and her army would come from, and couldn't risk them being seen.

Would they force their way through the large bridge that was the main way on and off the island, or would they approach from the high cliffs and secret cave entrance to surprise us? The other rogue found it so it was possible she knew about it?

As the birds sang their last song before settling into their nests for the night, we all took a moment to breath in the crisp air and enjoy the stillness of the forest at this time of day. It was as if all the creatures knew danger awaited them if they wondered too far from their homes.

After reminding everyone of their positions and who our allies were that would be joining the fight half way through, we had nothing to do but wait.

"Waiting was never my strong suit." Jax mumbled miserably for the tenth time, sitting on a rock between Zander and Ed.

"Haha so we've heard." I say laughing at Jax.

"Hey Alexa, something has been bothering me?" Jax said looking up at me.

"Hmm and what is that?" I ask

"Although you have named me as your official protector and although I drank the tea, we never finalised it with a blood oath."

"Hm, I almost forgot about that." Zander says feeling my confusion through our bond. He picks up a silver knife that was hidden well in his armour before asking for my hand. I gave it without hesitation.

I watched as it sliced through both Jax and my hand. We brought them together before our wounds could heal in a handshake. Zander spoke a few words and the process was completed within the minute.

"I don't think it would have mattered, I trust you all with my life and also wouldn't want any of you to sacrifice yourself for me." I say aimlessly drawing a picture in the dirt.

"I know, that's why I wanted to finalise it." Jax said with a smirk. "If the time came you wouldn't alert us to the potential danger. I know you Alexa, you wouldn't want to trade our life for yours. You have a big heart and have never once seen yourself as more superior or more important than any of us. At least now I will have a clear link to your feelings during the war along with Zander. You won't be able to put a wall up while we are in the middle of battle. It's one of the unbreakable rules."

My eyes widened casting my attention away from the dirt and onto Jax. He frowned. "What's that you drew?"

"I have not idea, I wasn't really trying to draw anything." I admit while looking down.

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