Chapter 1-Training in the City

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Quirk- Water & Wind Manipulation


A/N- I started this with small knowledge on mha but I later went back making things make more since and this is a very slow burn

After rewatching one of All Mights best hero moments on my computer. I got up from my desk and placed on a fresh gym suit getting ready to train. "Where are you heading?" My mom asked putting pigtails in Saori's hair while she played with her Miriko doll "To train" I replied grabbing the door nob "Would you mind picking up a couple of tomatoes for dinner later?" She asked finishing the last pigtail "Just grab a couple of yen out of my purse" My mother continued. I went into her purse taking a couple of yen. After placing her wallet into her purse I felt a tug on my jacket. I looked down to see little Saori holding her Miriko doll "Can we play hero vs villain when you come back?" Saori asked with sincere in her voice "No Saori you never want to play the villain" "Pleaseeee It's just hero's are so much better" Saori said using puppy eyes in her defense. I sighed and poked her forehead "Ok later" "YAYYYY!!" Saori shouted running down the hall "No running Saori" Mother shouted following behind. I shook my head with a smile heading into the city.
I took a jog around the city, lost in thought about the up coming ua entrance exams. As I began crossing the beach the sun began to set, without paying attention I ran flat into someone. Over powering my weight they landed flat on top of me. He had green hair and big round jade emarld green eyes with a couple of freckles. He looked very flustered his face covered in red and his eye seemed wider than they were before. "Uhmmmm...?" I said lifting my brows "oh um" he said getting up and helping me up. "Sorry about that we both said at the same time "I was lost in thought I wasn't paying attention" I said to the green haired boy "I'm the one who landed on you I should be asking you if your fine" "It'll take more than one hit to keep me down" I said giving him a small smirk "What are you doing on the beach at this time anyways?" "Training for the ua entrance exams" I responded "Really me too" the green haired boy said with a wide smile, what's with this kid? I thought to myself "Well I hope you get in...?" "Izuku" The green haired boy said "Izuku...See you around"

She began jogging off heading back towards the city. "Wait!-...I didn't get your name..." Izuku said watching her run. "Young Midoriya! The timer's still going you know" All Might shouted from behind him " O-ok I'm coming!" Izuku shouted heading back

As I picked 3 freshly picked tomatoes I paid with the yen mom lend me "Have a nice day" the clerk said giving me my remaining yen. I left the building making my way home when a random boy shouted to me. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" he yelled but by the time I realized why he was yelling, part of a building was heading towards me. He tackled me out of the way making the bag of tomatoes fall from my hand destroying the tomatoes. I stood up dusting myself off and watching as Miriko walked up to a villain after kicking him through a building. It was hard to read the villains face but he seemed to be trying to flee. I looked down at the tomatoes I had just bought in disappointment. The boy with spikey blonde hair seemed to watch as Miriko chased the villain until they were no longer insight. I gritted my teeth in anger "What's your problem?!" I shouted pointing a finger at the blonde boy "I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE SO I SHOULD BE HEARING A THANK YOU DAMMIT " He shouted back " I didn't ask for your help!" "IF IT WASN'T FOR ME YOU WOULD BE DEAD" "I COULD'VE SAVED MYSELF...NOT EVERYONE IS USELESS YOU KNOW!!" I shouted "MAYBE PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS MORE AND STOP ACTING LIKE A GIRL!" "A GIRL?! I'LL SHOW YOU A GIRL-"
I glanced behind him at how late it was and turned to see the clerk closing the grocery store "oh no..." I said realizing mom was going to kill me if I didn't make it home soon. "HEY IM NOT DONE WITH YOU," I ignored the shouting boy and headed home to my family. I entered the house to the smell of dinner. "KOKO!!" Saori shouted in excitement "Can we play now" Saori said looking up at me with a giant smile. "Not at the moment I said getting down on one knee and poking her forehead once again " Awww but you said you would" "I know Saori but I've had a long day and I'm all bruised up but I'll tell you what, I have something even better once I'm out of the shower" I said pinching her cheek " WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT!" She asked "it's a secret" I said smiling and poking her forehead standing up and heading to the kitchen where mother stood over the oven "I had a superhero incident and the tomatoes got destroyed in the process" I whispered to mother who winked understandingly. After my shower I stepped into the hall and was almost tipped over by Saori who hugged my leg "can I know now pleaseeeee!" "Ok" I responded picking her and her Miriko doll up and heading into her room tucking her into her bed. "On my way home today guess who I ran into?" I said in a suspicious whisper "who?! Who?!who!?" She asked excitedly. I took her Miriko doll and faced it towards Saori. "Miriko!" I said shocking her "Really!?!!" "Yes! She had the most beautiful red eyes and a strong kick, she kicked the villain through the building and it almost crushed me!" I said over dramatically making her gasp loudly "DID YOU SURVIVE?!" "Of course silly I'm here aren't I?" I said smiling raising an eyebrow and tapping her nose. "But I was saved by this boy..not quite an hero but he saved me" "Was he Strong? Brave? Cute?!" She asked "No Yes and Maybe, I was a bit rude because he made me loose the tomatoes I had bought and I already ran into someone at the beach" I explained "was heeee cute?" She asked with the biggest smirk "maybe" I answered. I poked her head as she drifted asleep. Once I got up turning her light off mom watched as I slowly closed her door trying not to wake her. "She looks up to you" mom said with her arms crossed "Not much to look up to" I said shrugging it of an entering my room looking up at the ceiling as I laid on my bed. Mom stood at the doorway "You should treat her better ..make more time for her" mom implied "I suppose.." "great now get some sleep you have exams in the morning" she said turning my light off and heading to bed. "Yeah exams..."

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now