Chapter 11- Close Friendships

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After Izuku Midoriya sadly had his head band snatched in the second round of the sports festival. Moving on to the 1 on 1's. The break between kiriko took the time to visit her mom and little sister.

"Seems like your up first" nico said caressing kiriko's cheek as if admiring how much she had grown. "Seems like it" kiriko said giving her a weak smile edging to walk pass her. "Hey-..." Nico said stopping her "you, can't keep pushing aside your quirk...I know he made the mistake of not saying goodbye and not keeping his promise but me and you both know it wasn't his intentions. He left you a gift...use can get far in life with my mother's quirk but you could go further with your father's...instead of holding this burden and grudge you should continue what your father worked for and be just as good if not better than him. And help him live on through you. He would've came home and read to you your favorite book and told you stories about all might until you fell asleep if he could've but instead he fought for the people. So please...for him and for us...embrace his quirk" nico said facing kiriko's back.

Kiriko made her way to the arena being it was her time to battle. Stepping into the circle kiriko came face to face with Mina. "This will be easy she only has a water quirk and she refuses to use her other half like shoto todoroki" Mina thought to herself grinning widely. "And began" Present mic and midnight shouted.

Mina charged kiriko shooting acid. Kiriko tumbled to the side catching herself stopping on the edge. "I got you right where I want you" Mina said facing kiriko. Shooting more acid Mina finally thought she won but sliding towards Mina and right under the acid kiriko swiped at Mina's legs making her land on her stomach. Flipping Mina and taking an arm to her back kiriko held Mina pinned to the ground.

Using her other skills to get from under kiriko she shot up fighting a hand to hand kombat with kiriko. Kiriko got an advantage over her and twirling herself on Mina leaving herself with her legs and thighs around Mina's neck. Seeing that Mina had gotten herself ready to launch more acid, kiriko leaned backwards holding herself upside down with her hands on the ground and her legs still around mina's neck.

Kiriko had tooken a bit of a hit from that blow but shrugged it off. After dodging the acid kiriko tightened her grip around Mina's neck and pulled mina down landing her on her back. Struggling to standup herself kiriko felt near her collar bone a wound from the acid. Both of them slowly got up.

Mina was a bit quicker kicking kiriko back into the Hole she had made with her acid the first time she shot it. Everyone watched in suspense trying to see if kiriko was really down.

" Komori kiriko has-" Midnight began saying as blue hair rose from the hole revealing kiriko who had strong winds blowing from around her. Instead of finishing the fight kiriko turned leaving the circle "What!?""She just walked out" "what is this" her classmates shouted as she left the arena approaching her mom who watched from the exit.

"She could've won with the lift of a finger with that quirk of her's" Tokoyami said with a serious demeanor "huh?" Midoriya said turning to face Tokoyami "Then why'd she leave...?' Midoriya said sitting in the group of classmates. "I'm sure she had her reasons" Tokoyami answered.

Walking pass both Nico and little Saori who held her rumi doll close hiding behind nico with one arm wrapped around Nico's left leg. Not saying a word kiriko stopped to speak with her back to her mother.

"I won't continue to neglect my father's quirk...but I won't stand for seeing a smile leave my friend's face" kiriko said making her way to her class mates leaving nico with a smile.

Hawks approached the two just missing kiriko. Smacking on his dango that he had just picked up from a stand at the festival he glanced at nico feeling the tension in the air.

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