Chapter 22- Quirk Manifestation

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Kiriko woke up bright an early for class the next day. Locking her dorm up she got down and tied her shoe to see a black shadow appear over her. Two pair of white shoes and black sweatpants stood infront of her. She followed the legs only to look up and see Katsuki Bakugo. "And where the hell do you think your going?" Bakugo said holding a broom to the side of him "Aizawa said I'm allowed back to class today" kiriko said. "WHAT?!" Bakugo shouted gritting his teeth. "I broke curfew, you almost killed midoriya" kiriko said "deku deserved that beating!" Bakugo shouted "I'm sure you had your reasons" kiriko's said tapping his shoulder. "Don't pay me like I'm some damn dog he deserved it!" Bakugo said "and what did he do to deserve that?" Kiriko asked optimistically. "I-...I don't feel like talking about it" Bakugo said having a change of mood looking away. "Sure see you later" kiriko said. "Your all on his side aren't you" Katsuki asked making kiriko pause in her tracks. "It's not that we're on his side because no one really knows what happened we just know that you called midoriya there and that you almost killed him in the end so it doesn't look too well on your side" kiriko said facing him. "What do you think...?" Bakugo asked more calm. "...just as you said i think you had your reasons...your mean but your no killer... well unreasonable killer at least" Kiriko said with a sentimental smile. "What do the others think?" Bakugo said "...the others don't understand like me and midoriya-" kiriko said being cut off "so they hate me... well so what I don't need any extras acceptance" Bakugo said getting angry as kiriko stood from a distance watching Katsuki get emotional. "Why are you so understanding only me, Deku and The old man know what happened that night! Why be so open minded to an half ass story!" Bakugo said shouting and pointing at kiriko. "Me!? I-" kiriko said a stuttering mess. "I should go before I'm late-" kiriko said turning and leaving with a flushed face "so your just being nice?" Bakugo said smacking his teeth in disappointment still standing in his spot watching her scurry away but stop once his words hit her. "I-...I wasn't being nice..." kiriko said turning to bakugo. "I just trust my gut on this one" kiriko said walking up to bakugo confidently closing the distance between the two. "Oh yeah and what does your gut say?" Bakugo said giving her a glare in the eyes. "Ughhhhh that I should go to class now before I'm late" kiriko said. Running to class she arrived just in time making Aizawa and her classmates turn to her. "Have a seat komori" Aizawa said as she walked with looking eyes to her seat. After class kiriko packed her books into her backpack when Mina approached her. "Hey komori seems like I haven't spoke to you in forever" Mina said with a wide smile. "Yh proably because when I tried asking you if you wanted to take a walk you shoved your laundry in my arms" kiriko responded putting her backpack strap on her shoulder. "Oh...sorry about that" "no problem" kiriko said facing Mina as they walked the halls. "Hey you still-" kiriko said being cut off by bumping into someone crushing her water bottle. Sorry about that- shi- shin-" kiriko stuttered looking at Shinso. "Shinso" he said letting go of her after catching him and her. " offense b-but I never actually spoke to you" she said "none taken.." he said walking as if nothing happened. "So cute " Mina and kiriko swooned at the same time until kiriko snapped her head to Mina. "Wait!" Kiriko called to Shinso as he turned she placed both hands on his chest shocking him a bit as he watched her vaporize the water off of his shirt. "Komori." Shinso said still emotionless. "Huh?" Kiriko said shooting her eyes up at him. "It's dry" he continued "right yeah...sorry about that" kiriko said turning and hurrying back to Mina and pulling her around the corner. Shinso watched in confusion before looking at two class b students that stared at him. They turned their heads making Shinso continue his walk down the hall.

Thinking of Shinso on the way back to the dorms kiriko came across Aizawa who seemed to be leaving for the day. "Hey Mr Aizawa!" Kiriko said breaking out of her trance and jogging over to him. "What's the matter" he asked with his hands in his pockets. "Do you think I could train at the pool today? I've been working a lot with my wind and physical training that I haven't been focusing much on my water being the last fight I had with Dabi I unlocked some weird new move that I didn't even kn-" kiriko rambled on to Aizawa who stopped listening long ago "just like midoriya" Aizawa thought huffing. "As long as you lock up behind you I don't really care" Aizawa said taking the keys out of his pocket and dropping them into her hand. "Thanks" she said with a smile as she returned to the dorms.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now