Chapter 16- Mystery Mall

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The next day kiriko woke up feeling refreshed. She got dressed eatting some toast her mother prepared. Hawks looked over his news paper at the happy kiriko. "Someone's in a better mood" hawks said with a smirk causing everything to drain from kiriko. "I don't know what your talking about" kiriko said stuffing her face with toast. "Maybe a handsome boy named Bakugo" Nico said teasing from the stove. "Ok I have an early class today I'll see you later bye everyone-" "wait big sister kiri-"
Saori said but was cut off as her sister made her way to the door. "It's alright you have plenty of time" Nico said reassuring her with a hand to the shoulder. "...yeah I know.." Saori said looking down at the big sister bash that would take place next week at her elementary school.

Being met at the door by Katsuki, kiriko looked down at her feet. "I came to ask if you wanted a ride to school" Bakugo said in his grouchy voice. "" kiriko started. "It was only an offer you don't have to-" Bakugo started turning towards the steps. "No! I mean...lead the way" she said grinning and following him into the car.

Arriving at school Aizawa explained that we would all need to train in order to get into the training camps. Kiriko left the class as everyone decided on how they would study and move further. Kiriko gathered her things getting ready to leave class. "Hey kiriko wait up" Kirishima shouted to her making her turn "You wanna meet up with me and Bakugo later today to study for the camp?" He asked "umm..." she started "it's all on me" Kirishima said trying to convince her. "You don't have to bribe me Kirishima I'll go...but yeah your treat" kiriko gave him a smiled pinching his cheek. "Kirishima's face had a slight blush as she turned weaving him off. He stood in a daze but was broken out of it by Bakugo hitting him in the back of the head with a book. "We don't have all day nerd let's get this over with" Bakugo said leaving the class

After school kiriko found Kirishima and Bakugo at a dinner not far from her house. "What's up you guys?" Kiriko said taking a seat next to Kirishima. "U-uh...I have to use the bathroom" Kirishima said jumping over the booth and running off. "What's wrong with Kirishima" Miriko asked lost "I don't know maybe he's seen a pretty girl" Bakugo asked sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Pretty girl? Where" kiriko asked "How about you look in a mirror and find out yourself" Bakugo said raising his voice. "Why would it be me he doesn't see me like that" kiriko said. Bakugo raised a brow looking at Kirishima who got caught staring. "Dammit I think they seen me" Kirishima thought to himself. "Why would he like me?" Kiriko said scratching her head. "Look at you..." Bakugo said still avoiding eye contact. "I never really took my looks into consideration before.." kiriko said playing with her hands. "Yeah whatever KIRISHIMA HURRY UP WE HAVE WORK TO DO" Bakugo shouted slamming his hands down onto the table and standing up. Kirishima eventually returned to the table not thinking straight everytime a thought of kiriko popped up into his head. Bakugo did a good job of beating it out of his head. "Thanks for inviting me I really appreciate it but I think it's about time I start leaving" kiriko said standing up. "Yeah whatever" Bakugo said "Uh-yeah sounds great- good-" "she's gone you block head" Bakugo said standing up.

The next day at school everyone conversated about how good they think they did on the test. "Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and  you all failed..." "what?!" They all shouted "Settle down you all are going to the camp" Aizawa said causing everyone to cheer. "Wait I thought you said we would fail?" Kiriko said "I never said that I said you should study because not all of you did so well on your UA exams" Aizawa said

After class Mina had the great idea that the whole class go shopping. Katsuki and Shoto decided to skip the event where as kiriko walked side by side with her class mates at the huge mall. "Hey kiriko could you come with me into this shop I think your about the closes to my size" toru asked "Uh me really? Sure I guess.." kiriko said splitting up."see you later midoriya and uraraka" kiriko said winking at uraraka. "What was that about?"Izuku asked " clue..." uraraka said looking at Izuku and freezing up. She covered her face running off.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now