Part29: Shigaraki and Komori

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Kiriko blinked trying to get her vision together. "So your awake now" Tomura said sitting across from kiriko who eyes shot wide open following the voice.

"Although our surprise guest hasn't shown just yet" He said not getting nothing but a glare from kiriko

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"Although our surprise guest hasn't shown just yet" He said not getting nothing but a glare from kiriko. "Water and wind huh? Two very powerful yet weak quirks" tomura said pointing at the beaten kiriko.

"I remember when we first met

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"I remember when we first were very talkative and annoying" tomura said approaching her. "I put an end to that when i gave you this little gift here" tomura said using the tip of his four finger to touch her scar before lifting her head with the same four fingers that way she made eye contact. "But I have to admit...our talks have always been best while you were quiet, with that fear of yours in your eyes" tomura dragged on "you look...rough...guess that's what you get for bothering Dabi" tomura said in his usual childish voice as he removed his fingers letting her head drop. She lifted her head with what little strength she had to meet tomura's stare. "Well what's your excuse?" Kiriko asked confidently despite her position. Tomura smirked grabbing kiriko's throat lifting one finger away from her neck. "I can always get another UA student-" tomura was cut off by his door opening with Dabi standing next to hawks. "You have a visitor" Dabi said "Can't you see I'm busy?" Tomura said to Dabi over his shoulder. "No I SEE you trying to kill our test dummy. If you kill her we won't have anyone to test this stupid drug on" Dabi said as kiriko glared at hawks who stayed in character. "Anyways your evil hero here would like to speak to you about the investigation you assigned him to" Dabi said leaving the room and shutting the door. "Ahhh the number two hero" tomura said "ugh how long do you all plan on calling me that" hawks said looking lazily to the side. "Anyways, the hero's seem to be slacking in the hero department...all hero's besides endeavor of course have been sticking to your everyday crimes such as purse theirs and cats stuck in trees. Instead of taking the nomu endeavor took down as a danger they over looked it and thinks that the hero's have everything under control" Hawks said to tomura who thought long and hard on this. "Seems as if things are working in my favor...your excused" tomura said. "I think it's time we plan our next move" shigaraki said calling forth the league of villains. As they all piled in kiriko hung her head low resting. "What's she doing here?! Is she dead" twice said as the group of villains quieted down. As tomura received question after question kiriko opened her eyes because of all the ruckus and commotion they caused. "Komori, this is Mandalay the leader of the pussycats from the camp ground training. Hawks has sent for me to display a message to you from him...he says for you to not provoke the league and to behave until he has freed you, he has not betrayed the hero's it's just his mission for him to infiltrate the league for information to help take down the league. He also says that no later than today will you be free so behave and we should get you back here to us in no time" Mandalay said making kiriko look confused but changed her expression once Dabi glanced at her. "What about her? What are you doing with her when your done testing on her?" Dabi asked "then she can join her father" tomura said looking back at her with an evil smile.


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"Excuse me for a second" All might said standing up and standing outside. "Hey...we need to assemble a meeting with all the hero's we can get right now" All might said to aizawa. "Why?" He asked "young komori May have been kidnapped.." he answered "and how did you come to this conclusion?" aizawa asked "the phone call you took earlier wasn't with Nico...she hasn't seen kiriko since she arrived at the dorms" All might said to aizawa who hung up with no words asked assembling pro heroes. All might said his goodbye before meeting the heroes. "Komori kiriko has recently went missing the day of UA's festival. A student in her class over heard her say that she was tired and that lead us to believe she went home but when eraser gave Nico a call earlier today it was a villain fooling us to believe it was her. That lets us know that not only did she not leave purposely but that she has been kidnapped" All might stayed "well this classmate of her's has to be in on it if she wasn't really tired of UA" Mr. Snipe said "I agree with Mr. Snipe on this one, this student seems to try and throw us off our trail" mid night said "he stated that she said 'she was tired' he never once said of UA" aizawa stated. "Let's focus on the topic at hand, we know that she has been abducted by the league of villains, do we know their location and what she has that they want?" Rykuyu asked "For all we know she was an open an easy target" Rumi said. "We need to-" all might began when hawks came ingot he took. "I have kiriko's location" he said as everyone turned to look at him. "Then what are we waiting for" Mt.Lady said standing up. "Have a seat..we don't know what we're getting into just yet, hawks how do you know this information?" Endeavor asked as my.lady took a seat. "She sent me a message that was in code, it told me where she would h so I flew there to figure it out and just barely spotted her tied to a chair. "Have you looked for any possible escape routes?" Endeavor asked "of course and i have a plan that's already been put in action" "in action?" All might asked curiously. "I've asked the leader of the pussycats, Mandalay to let kiriko know not to provoke the league and that help will soon be there" hawks stated "good work, since your the one with a lead I'm going to let you tell us how to move further with this case" endeavor exclaimed "This might sound ridiculous but I need you all to get into position around the building, once and only if I give a signal invade the building" he said as serious as ever. "What?!" "Your crazy" "what type of plan is that-" rock lock said being cut off by endeavor. "Quiet...How successful will it be if we obey?" He asked "very...the worst out come would be the league getting away well sum" Hawks said "and the girl?" Endeavor asked lifting a brow. "Will be saved regardless of any outcome" Hawks said confidently. "When do we leave?"

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