Chapter 4- Unexpected Visitors

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1 Week later...

The mail man was about to knock on the door when I slung it open with Saori on my neck "I'lol take that, thanks!" I said running back into the house after shutting the door. "OPEN IT! OPEN IT!OPEN IT!" Saori shouted from my neck. Mom came with her hot cup of coffee sitting next to me and Saori who now sat in my lap. "Ready?" Mom said scaring me a bit. I opened the envelope and pulled out a round gadget. "What-" I thought as a hallographic image appeared of all might. "All Might?!" Me, Saori, and mom shouted at the same time.
Listening to All Might explain we all sat in shock. "You Koromi Kiriko have been accepted in to UA" "AGHHHHHHHHH" We all screamed cutting all might off. We all hugged and mom pulled me to the side kissing my forehead "I'm so proud of you" mom said causing us both to smile. Saori tackled me to the ground holding her rumi doll. "WE DID IT" Saori screamed " Yes we did all thanks to you" I said standing up. I dialed izuku's number into the phone in the wall and waited as it rang "Come on midoriya..." he answered in an emotionless tone "Did you get your letter?!" "Uh..yeah" he answered "You didn't open it did you?" I asked knowingly. "..No.." "Look Izuku you were great..there's no doubt in my mind that you failed just open it" "What if I didn't get in?""if you don't get accepted I will throw away my hero career and we can run away and be villains" I said earning a chuckle from Izuku and giggled myself. There was a long pause before he spoke again " that means you got in...?" He asked sadly "Yes...I did..."I responded a bit upset myself. I heard a silent pause at first and then a tear 'he's opening it!' I thought to myself listening in. As All Might sounded in the background of the phone call "huh All Might?" Izuku said to himself. I heard a gasp before a crash. "Midoriya...Izuku?!"  "" he said slowly "you got in?" "I got in!" He said in a happier tone "I'm so proud of you we should celebrate soon" I said enlightened that he got in "sure!" He said excited "Hey I'm heading out I'll be home before supper" "nooo ma'am you promised your sister she could come next time" "but-" no buts" she said cutting me off. "you don't want me to go.." Saori asked looking down sadly "No it's fine you can come with me we can call it a sister's day" I said getting down on one knee lifting her head. "SISTERS DAY" She said hugging me. "I'll drop you and Saori off near the park" mom said grabbing her purse.

Once we arrived mom handed me a couple of yen to spend on the both of us. "Meet me here at 7" She said as I got Saori out of the car.

As Nico (mom) approached the stop light a giant piece of building flew past the car causing citizens to run out of their cars and flee. Nico was stunned being she hasn't left her home in forever since her husband's death. "GET OUT OF THE CAR" Hawks yelled flying in front of her car. Her seatbelt jammed as she struggled to get it off her, hawks flew to the car opening the door and slicing the seat belt with his feather and flying out of the way as a large piece of wall crashed into her car hawks and  Nico began tumbling as he began shielding her with his wings. once he uncovered his wings the villain picked up the piece of building that he threw earlier causing hawks to fly up to the top of a building setting her up there. They made eye contact before hawks flew down throwing a couple of feathers and attacking him while he was distracted by his feathers. "Hawks" nico said to herself watching him in action.

Hawks threw the villain into the same building he left nico on and stopped as he heard nico scream. He looked up at the falling nico and charged at her in the sky catching her and landing. "Dammit..." Hawks said looking at the spot he left the villain. "Sorry about that i was shocked.." "no problem just take action quick-" "NICO?!?!!"

I held Saori's hand as mom drove away. "Where first?" I asked her "The park!" Saori shouted "Ok well-" my shoulder brushed someone. And I stopped to apologize. "Sorry about that- DEKUGO?!?!!" I said shocked when he turned to realize. "It's bakugo you damn-" "Is that the cute boy that saved you from Miriko?" Saori said tugging on my shirt. "SAORI! I- She-" I tried to explain but he turned with his hand over his face. 'Great now he hates me' I thought quickly fixing my words. "I never said that she assumed-" "I don't care" he said with both arms behind his head. Walking away "Stuck up..." I said under my breath thinking no one heard me. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Bakugo said shouting in my face. "Are y'all about to kiss?" Saori asked with heart eyes. "NO!!!" Me and bakugo both shouted him still close to my face. Once he realized he was still that close he moved Turning around walking quickly with his hands in his pockets. "Wait!" Saori shouted "SAORI!" I said as he stopped facing us. "Would you like to go to the park with us?" Saori asked "I'm busy" he said with no emotion "Pleaseeeeee" she said with puppy eyes, sadly failing as he turned walking again. "Saori you can't-" "This way I know a short cut" He said cutting me off. "Yaaayyyyy" Saori said jumping up.

Once we reached the park Saori ran to the swing. "Can you push me?" Saori said holding her Miriko doll "Sure" I responded walking towards her. "Not you koko dekugo" Saori said shocking bakugo who stared with wide eyes. "H-him?" I asked stunned too. "Yes I want a real hero to push me" Saori said with a bit of sass. Bakugo seemed to enjoy it being he brushed my shoulder walking by me with an evil smirk looking back at me "What can I say the kid knows what a real hero looks like" he said. As he began pushing I thought I should make conversation. "Since your such a hero I would hope you got into UA?" I said with a smirk "I should be asking the one who placed 2nd place that" he said to me "Well technically you won by villain points but adding up my 63 villain points and my 24 hero points I really won this battle" I said winking. I could tell that ticked him off being the look I earned. "But didn't he save you koko? I think that's pretty brave" Saori said with a bit of sass. "Saoriiii" "I think the little one is right don't you think koko?" I glared at him taking a seat on the bench.

Hawks flew nico back down to her car. "I didn't expect this leaving the house today" nico said face palming. "I- I can't even believe your here" hawks said stunned. Nico looked down at her feet avoiding eye contact. "I haven't seen you since the funeral.." hawks continued "I've been busy.." nico said still avoiding eye contact "with being a mother?! Because I haven't seen you in action in over 7 years-" "I know I've been taking some time off..." There was a dead silence before anyone spoke again... "Hey let me take you out to lunch" hawks said breaking the silence. "No that's fine I have to get-" It's fine I'll have someone fix your car while we eat...come on it's a win treat" He said with a grin. "I have to be back by 7" "It's more than enough time" he said smiling and grabbing her flying across town

Kiriko POV
I watched as he played with her until it got a bit late. "Come on Saori it's about time to head back" I shouted as bakugo walked her to me. "Can you carry me on your neck PLEASEEE Dekugo" She asked "I'm sure he wants to head home now little Saori maybe another day" I said smiling at her and poking her fore head. "Sure" Bakugo said out of nowhere avoiding eye contact when I looked up at him. "I-...uh.ok.."I said watching as he lifted up little Saori onto his neck.

They walked in silence at first making it to the place they were supposed to meet their mother "Thank you for that" I said as he put her down walking away. "Theirs nothing to thank...she knows who the better hero is and that's all I need" he said smirking "you know what else you need you no good piece of-" "there are kids present" Bakugo said with another smirk facing forward.

As bakugo made it by the park he looked from the fence and saw Saori's Miriko doll. He grunted before grabbing it and heading back to where he left them.

"Koko I lost Mirko!" Saori explained tugging my shirt to go back. "We can't mom should be here soon" "But I can't leave Mirko!" "I'm sorry but I don't want mom to worry" "I can't leave without her!" Saori said pulling away from me. "Alright slow down we can go just let me text m-" as she pulled me around the corner I was stopped face to face with bakugo who stared me in the eyes with a slight pout..we stood in silence staring "She left this" he said bluntly pushing it against my chest and leaving in a hurry "THANK YOU" Saori said walking back around the corner holding my hand as mom pulled up. We got into the car and it had a new car smell. "Did you get the car cleaned?" I asked placing my seatbelt on. "The car was destroyed a couple minutes after I dropped you off so Hawks insisted he pay for the damage. "HAWKS" both me and Saori said shocked. "What's he like?!" "DOES HE SMELL LIKE UNICORNS?!" "Are his wings soft!?" "IS HE SUPER TALL?!" "Does his eyes make you melt when you see him-" me and Saori asked back and forth. "All of these questions, I promise to tell you everything when we get home"

Nico laughed and happen to look up at a building once she reached a stop light only to see hawks who did a salute with two fingers seeing her off and taking off into the sky. She smirked and drove away.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now