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The next day in class shota came into an already sat class and noticed the empty seat. "Where's komori?" Aizawa asked looking at the worried expressions on some students faces. "She never came back to the dorms after the festival" Mina answered. "Have any of you heard from her since?" Aizawa asked. "No but the last time I seen her she was saying something about needing a break" Kazuki said. "A break?" Aizawa said to Kazuki. "My guess is she returned home" Kazuki said shocking the class even more. "Thank you for the information Takahashi" Aizawa said.

After class Aizawa found all might in the hall and pulled him into his office. "Is everything alright?" All might asked "Did komori tell you she was leaving the school" Aizawa said "hm! She never mentioned leaving to me?" All might said shocked "i figured" Aizawa said still very emotionless. "How could she leave after how hard she fought to get here?" He asked "that's what's not adding up." Aizawa said. "We should call nico" all night suggested as Aizawa made his way over to the phone.

"Hello?" Aizawa said "Hi" "I'm calling regarding komori kiriko" Aizawa said as all might waited patiently "about her return home I suspect?" She said "yes ma'am we wanted to confirm that she actually went home and not magically disappeared but I suppose the rumors are true and she really returned home" "of course was that all you were concerned about?" She asked "uh yes but there was one thing...I want to talk to her" Aizawa asked "she's a bit...busy I'm afraid she won't be coming to the phone at the moment—" nico said turning to kiriko who was tied to a chair sleep. "No problem thank you for your patience and cooperation" aizawa said "your welcome have a nice evening" nico said "you too" aizawa said hanging up.

"Nice ...I guess you stain stands are useful after all" Tomura said in his usual childish tone. "You know it boss" twice said taking back his double of nico. "What are we going to do about this lab rat?" Dabi said "we wait for Dr.Garaki to get here. Tomura said "I'm not a babysitter so take care of your own test dummy...I'm going out" Dabi said grabbing his trench coat.

Earlier that day...

"Why are you up so early? I thought I was the one with patrol?" Hawks said rolling over in bed looking up at nico who got dressed. "I have... business to attend to..." nico answered "what kind of business?" Hawks said sitting up. "A check up...anyways what do you want for dinner? I can stop and pick something up on the way back" nico said putting on her shoes. "Spaghetti sounds great" hawks said standing up and kissing her forehead as she left the room.

Once she reached the hospital she waited on the medical bed as the doctor entered. "Im Dr. Haru  I will be assisting you today" He said shaking her hand. "Says here your here for a pregnancy blood test...test not doing nothing for you huh?" He said grinning. "Just want some confirmation" nico said nervously playing with her hands. "This would make your first child?" He asked wrapping a blue band around the top of her forearm. "3rd actually" nico said as he popped his gloves on scaring nico a bit. "Boy and girl?" He asked "both girls" she siad "hoping for a boy with this one?" He questioned further "let's not think that far just yet" nico said already afraid. "Of course" He siad smiling before testing the tip of the syringe and then injecting her. He stared fascinatingly at the blood being drawn. "Im quite lightheaded is that not enough?" Nico asked "not just yet" He said smiling and finishing the injection. "There we go now your all set" he said while placing a band aid on her. "Going to go get this tested" he said walking out and bumping into a nurse who turned and looked at the doctor who smiled and licked his lips at the blood. She then continued her walk to nico's room. "Hello Ms.Komori Im Dr.Tanaki I understand you've came in today for a pregnancy blood test so if you'd just get comfortable I'm going to draw a small thing of blood and get it checked out for you" she said looking at kiriko who had her bag in hand ready to leave. "I think your mistaken Dr.Haru just took my blood" nico said making the doctor look at her confused. "Dr.Haru was assigned to a surgery 15 minutes ago" the doctor said remembering who she bumped into and then called for security making the hospital go on high alert meanwhile yoga stood in an alleyway with twice. She returned to her form smiling as wide as she does. "A whole pint of blood" she said licking her mouth. "Did you get the file- of course she did idiot" twice said arguing to himself as usual. "Here" toga said tossing him the file which he opened and went over "she's pretty short- wow she's fat" twice said going over her height and weight in order to make an clone of her. "Let's head back I the base" toga said to to twice.

UA High school...

All might who heard the conversation left the office after mr aizawa hung up. Making his way to their home. Once he arrived he knocked and waited on an answer. Nico answered looking worn out. "All might...?" She asked edging for him to come in as she took a seat on the sofa. "Everything alright?" All might asked concerned about nico's condition. "I'm fine just some blood work" nico said "how much he asked her "just a bit but before the actual blood work a weird doctor I'm not sure if he was a villain or not but he stole about a pint of blood" she said. "Did they catch him?" He asked "their searching now but I'm sure my health isn't wasn't what you came to discuss with me. What's wrong how is kiriko?" She asked confusing all might. "That's what I wanted to ask you? You did say she returned home when you were on the phone with mr.aizawa today?" All might said "I haven't received any calls from mr.aizawa today...where's my daughter?" Nico said concerned sitting up despite her condition. "If you weren't on the phone with him wh-..." all might said but stopping from realization

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