Part35: Preparation

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"So that's what happened..." Hawks said finishing up his explanation. "So the book you gave me I was correct?" Endeavor asked "yes luckily I finished my research before getting my cover blown, there's no time to waste...we have three days at most to plan this attack against the league..." Hawks said "UA students shall be taking part in this war...kiriko id advise  you take these next three days seriously with your may choose wether to take part in this-" "no...she's with child...I'm not risking it" Hawks said "Aizawa...Being all Might is no longer our number one and unable to partake in this war... I'm counting on you to protect my baby" nico said standing up. "Mom-" "I know your quirks and what you can do but that doesn't ensure your going to survive, I'm your mother I have to right to be concerned for your safety" nico said "I give you my word aizawa said making kiriko look at him "so it's clear...we shall engage in war in three days" Nezu said pressing his paws down the the table.

Kiriko returned to the dorms retrieving her gym clothes. She stopped by bakugo's room who left his door cracked. "I don't know...I think you do look pretty manly with it" kiriko said making him angry as he scrubbed his face. She took the time to walk back over to the picture. "Thought you hated this?" Kiriko said not forgetting from last night. "I never said that" bakugo said "hmm...well I have a more serious question" kiriko said laying back on his bed. "Spit it out already!" "...Do I snore?" Kiriko asked "What kind of stupid question is that?" Bakugo asked "I have to have done something in my sleep for you to rather sleep on the couch than with me" kiriko said sitting up looking at him. "Really? Your the one who snuck from the bed with me in the middle of the night i should be asking you that" he turned  to her finishing cleaning his face. "It was a medical bed I thought you were uncomfortable" "yeah well I wasn' would your mom react to seeing you sleeping in a bed with a boy" bakugo asked "your right" kiriko said standing up. "The school's going to be making an announcement regarding the war that will take place in 3 days...UA students and teachers will be fighting agains the league of villains in order to stop Shigaraki from taking his quirk to the next level and demolishing japan...I was ordered to take these next t3 days seriously and train, you should do the same" "what the hell are you talking about what war?" Bakugo asked "the teachers will explain better than me I just had to tell someone it was too much to keep to myself..." "YOU CANT JUST DROP A BOMB LIKE THAT AND NOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!! WHAT WAR" bakugo shouted "Just wait I'm sure we'll get called down soon" kiriko said stepping up to him. "

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now