Chapter 10- Sports Festival

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Blinking awake nico watched as hawks put  on a freshly ironed white t-shirt. She examined the scars and muscles that defined his back as he turned facing the bed.

"Uhhhh sorry I didn't know you would wake up it was only meant to take a second" hawks plead, "it's fine it's just a shirt" she said grinning and sitting up while the sun complimented her skin.

"Where are you heading?" Nico asked "Uh the sports festival, you should come it could be fun just me you and Rumi" hawks responded "I don't know..-" "I'd like if you joined us she...she's having a hard time coping she thinks she's the cause of your house" Hawks continued cutting her off so she could hear his reasoning.

"I-...... Sure why not" Nico said making hawks give her a smirk. "I'm going to go freshen up could you wake up the gi- THE GIRLS!!-" "Their fine kiriko caught a ride from a friend this morning" hawks reassured her. "Friend?" "Yeah her classmate from next door" hawks continued making Nico raise a brow.

"I heard her call him dekugo earlier" hawks said shrugging "him? Did he have green hair?" "Blonde" hawks said making Nico smirk. "What about Saori?" She's eating breakfast at the table" hawks said offering his hand from behind leading her to the dining area and seating her next to Saori who stuffed her face.
"Good morning mommy" Saori said swallowing her mouth full making Nico giggle. "Good morning Saori-Chan" Nico said with a happy grin. Hawks placed a plate infront of Nico who looked up and gave him a greatful grin. "Thanks..." "No worries little dove" Hawks said placing a finger under her chin making her eyes widen with a flushed face. She avoided eye contact with him but felt his eyes pierce through her face.

"Mommy and Birdie sitting in a tree K-I-" "I think it's time we get you dressed for the festival" Nico said covering Saori's mouth and carrying her into the other room sitting down on the bed folding Saori's clothes. Thinking to herself while Saori stared at a plant by the window that began dying. 'Get it together Nico' she thought to herself as she stood from the bed."Here Sao-" Nico started but stopped watching as Saori sprouted a plant.

"Y-your quirk appeared" Nico said in shock "Mh hm" Saori said nodding her head and facing the plant once again. "Get dressed im going to go freshen up" Nico said opening the door with a great amount of force hitting hawks square in the nose.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know you were walking this way!" She said crouching down to him. "It's fine just a small nose bleed" hawks said looking up at her with a misplaced nose. "Maybe a little worse come with me" she sat him on the toilet in the bathroom and rummaged through his stuff. "Here hold this" Nico said handing him a cloth that he held under his nose. "Ready?" She said receiving a nod from hawks. "One-"she placed the alcoholic palette.

"Thanks" Nico took the cloth from him cleaning up his nose. "Your shirt's all bloody" "oh this it's fine" he said removing it and balling it up tossing it into the laundry. "B-but didn't you just get it" nico asked nervously realizing the distance between them was very slight. "I'll just buy another" he said grabbing a piece of her curl and lifting it in his hand.

"We should-" "Go" hawks finished leaving her stunned staring into his golden brown eyes. Standing up he slid both hands around her waist pulling her closer looking down into her brown eyes. "You should get dressed" he said not moving once a knock appears at the door.

"Come on mommy I want some cotton candy before it starts!" Saori shouted pounding at the door not making anyone move from their spots. "Before your food gets cold" hawks said stepping away and heading towards the door. "MOMM-" Saori was stopped by hawks who opened the door causing her to freeze.

Kiriko stood next to Izuku, Uraraka, & ita who watched as midnight gave instructions for the first round. After explaining the rules to all the students of each class midnight got ready to start the first round.

'Hm? Bakugo looks pretty focused on this I should proably stay focused-' Kiriko thought as midnight shouted go. 'Shoot' kiriko thought running behind all of the other students dodging the ones who ambushed her path and skipping over the ones who moved too slow.

Beating the crowd she finally began catching bakugo who followed angrily behind todoroki. When suddenly todoroki froze the students on the ground causing kiriko to unfreeze only herself leaping towards the unexpected bots that appeared.

  "Ugh! I don't have time for this" She said slipping entirely under one bot that swung at her barely missing and running towards the next obstacle course. She used todoroki's ice but melting the remains not helping others.

Reaching close behind bakugo she looked up as he flew over the bombed obstacle. She stopped at the beginning watching todoroki once again freeze over the course leaving a trail. Manipulating his ice she caused him to step on one and stop on top of it not making any moves when a flying bakugo came crashing into him.

Blowing up more than one allowing her time to maneuver around the bombs and catch up pretty quickly to the fighting boys as all the other students approached the next obstacle. Stepping around bombs right next to the two who fought their was a sound in the air that caused them to stop and look up along with kiriko who watched Izuku fly in using the two as an advantage blowing up a couple more bombs and flying over the rest running taking first place.

Looking up and realizing that I have been that close to the two bakugo began charging after me even angrier that both of his rivals have surpassed him. Speeding past her with his ice was todoroki. Using water quirk she manipulated his ice making him tumble and roll but not slowing him down a bit as he jumped up to his feet and ran into the arena.

So what if he placed second, as long as she could beat bakugo she couldn't care less. Feeling pretty confident kiriko heard a blast in the air that was an angry bakugo who charged her tumbling into her making them both tumble in and placing third together.

Bakugo raised his fist at kiriko who laid pinned beneath him. "Aht aht ah we wouldn't want to give the Bakugo's a bad name now would we?" She said with an evil grin crawling from beneath him. Keeping him composed there as other students charged in after them.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now